
CS2 Plugin C#

Primary LanguageC#


CS2 Plugin C#

  • Requires CounterStrikeSharp version 142 or 213

EN - Language

Create a folder for the plugin called Welcome



  "PluginName": "[Welcome] | ",
  "Timer": 10, // Welcome delay
  "WelcomePlayerOneEnable": "true", // "true"|"1"/"false"|"0"
  "WelcomePlayerAllEnable": "true", // "true"|"1"/"false"|"0"
  "DisconnectPlayerAllEnable": "true", // "true"|"1"/"false"|"0"
  "WelcomeText": " {RED}---------------------------------{ENTER} {LIGHTBLUE}Welcome on server {PLAYERNAME} {ENTER} Now map: {MAP} {ENTER} Players online: {PLAYERS}/{MAXPLAYERS} {ENTER} {RED}Your IP: {IPUSER} {ENTER} {RED}------------------------------ ", // Greeting for one player
  "disconnectAllText": " {RED} {PLAYERNAME} disconnect to reason: {REASON} ", // The message is all when the player is disconnected
  "WelcomeAllText": " {RED} {PLAYERNAME} connected to server {ENTER} His IP address: {IPUSER} ", // Announcement of the player's entry
  "ConfigVersion": 1



  • Dump the file to the plugins folder in cssharp

Collect your own:

  • Installing the Dotnet SDK 8.0

  • Go to the project folder in cssharp/source in VS Code:

  • Image

  • Next, we write in the terminal "dotnet build"

  • And see if there are any errors:

  • Image

  • Next, we upload files from source/welcome/bin/net.8.0:

  • Image



  • {MAXPLAYERS} - View max players
  • {PLAYERNAME} - View player's name connecting to server;
  • {ENTER} - Next line
  • {STEAMID} - Player STEAMID
  • {IPUSER} - Player IP Address
  • {MAP} - Now map
  • {TIME} - Time(hh:mm:ss)
  • {DATE} - Date(dd.mm.yyyy)
  • {SERVERNAME} - Hostname
  • {IP} - Server IP address
  • {PORT} - Server Port
  • {PLAYERS} - The current number of players on the server


  • {MAXPLAYERS} - View max players
  • {PLAYERNAME} - View player's name connecting to server;
  • {ENTER} - Next line
  • {STEAMID} - Player STEAMID
  • {IPUSER} - Player IP Address
  • {MAP} - Now map
  • {TIME} - Time(hh:mm:ss)
  • {DATE} - Date(dd.mm.yyyy)
  • {SERVERNAME} - Hostname
  • {IP} - Server IP address
  • {PORT} - Server Port
  • {PLAYERS} - The current number of players on the server


  • {MAXPLAYERS} - View max players
  • {PLAYERNAME} - View player's name connecting to server;
  • {ENTER} - Next line
  • {MAP} - Now map
  • {TIME} - Time(hh:mm:ss)
  • {DATE} - Date(dd.mm.yyyy)
  • {REASON} - the reason for logging out of the server
  • {SERVERNAME} - Hostname
  • {IP} - Server IP address
  • {PORT} - Server Port
  • {PLAYERS} - The current number of players on the server


Future plans:

  • To deal with colored text(Done)
  • Add more functions by type {MAXPLAYERS}/ {PLAYERNAME}(Done)
  • Add a plugin to discord
  • Micro-corrections

RU - Language

Создайте папку для плагина с названием Welcome



  "PluginName": "[Welcome] | ",
  "Timer": 10, // Задержка приветсвия для одного игрока
  "WelcomePlayerOneEnable": "true", // "true"|"1"/"false"|"0"
  "WelcomePlayerAllEnable": "true", // "true"|"1"/"false"|"0"
  "DisconnectPlayerAllEnable": "true", // "true"|"1"/"false"|"0"
  "WelcomeText": " {RED}---------------------------------{ENTER} {LIGHTBLUE}Welcome on server {PLAYERNAME} {ENTER} Now map: {MAP} {ENTER} Players online: {PLAYERS}/{MAXPLAYERS} {ENTER} {RED}Your IP: {IPUSER} {ENTER} {RED}------------------------------ ", // Приветсвие для одного игрока
  "disconnectAllText": " {RED} {PLAYERNAME} disconnect to reason: {REASON} ", // Уведомление о отключении игрока для всех
  "WelcomeAllText": " {RED} {PLAYERNAME} connected to server {ENTER} His IP address: {IPUSER} ", // Уведомление о заходе игрока для всех
  "ConfigVersion": 1



  • {MAXPLAYERS} - View max players
  • {PLAYERNAME} - View player's name connecting to server;
  • {ENTER} - Next line
  • {STEAMID} - Player STEAMID
  • {IPUSER} - Player IP Address
  • {MAP} - Now map
  • {TIME} - Time(hh:mm:ss)
  • {DATE} - Date(dd.mm.yyyy)
  • {REASON} - the reason for logging out of the server
  • {SERVERNAME} - Hostname
  • {IP} - Server IP address
  • {PORT} - Server Port
  • {PLAYERS} - The current number of players on the server


  • {MAXPLAYERS} - View max players
  • {PLAYERNAME} - View player's name connecting to server;
  • {ENTER} - Next line
  • {STEAMID} - Player STEAMID
  • {IPUSER} - Player IP Address
  • {MAP} - Now map
  • {TIME} - Time(hh:mm:ss)
  • {DATE} - Date(dd.mm.yyyy)
  • {REASON} - the reason for logging out of the server
  • {SERVERNAME} - Hostname
  • {IP} - Server IP address
  • {PORT} - Server Port
  • {PLAYERS} - The current number of players on the server


  • {MAXPLAYERS} - View max players
  • {PLAYERNAME} - View player's name connecting to server;
  • {ENTER} - Next line
  • {MAP} - Now map
  • {TIME} - Time(hh:mm:ss)
  • {DATE} - Date(dd.mm.yyyy)
  • {REASON} - the reason for logging out of the server
  • {SERVERNAME} - Hostname
  • {IP} - Server IP address
  • {PORT} - Server Port
  • {PLAYERS} - The current number of players on the server


Планируется в будущем:

  • Сделать цвета для чата(Готово)
  • Сделать больше переменных по типу: {MAXPLAYERS}/ {PLAYERNAME}(Готово)
  • Добавить плагин в дискорд
  • Микро-исправления


Q: If the plugin doesn't work?

A: Check the operating system, and update the cssharp kernel in the plugin(counterstrikesharp.dll)