Most Scripts/Bots where uploaded Tested, yet I do not guarantee it being fail-safe or safe for use and will only provide partially support.
It is recommended, that you put the "TeamSpeak3" directory in your own, personal library.
For example /var/libraries/. Don't forget to change the path in config.php
This will save space and makes it easier to update it for all scripts.
Description of Scripts/Bots
Auto Channel Creator:
Creates new Channel when the set one are Occupied.
Channel 1, 2 and 3 are occupied, we create a new Channel
Channel 1 | Person 1, Person 2, Person 3
Channel 2 | Person 1, Person 2
Channel 3 | Person 1
Channel 4 | Will be created after Channel 3 is being occupied by at least 1 User.
If a User joins in Channel 4, Channel 5 will be created.
Auto Sub Channel Creator:
Same just as above just with Sub Channels.
Updates 2 Channels for Users and Time, running every half Second.
Time Channel: [cspacer] [26.07.2017] - [05:40:08]
User Channel: [cspacer] Users Online: 2/32
Contact me via:
Keybase: https://keybase.io/kleberstoff
Discord: Kleberstoff#5914
Email: admin@kleberstoff.xyz
r4p3.net: https://r4p3.net/members/kleberstoff.4298/