
This is an unofficial python JingDong pay API.

Primary LanguagePython


##Overview This is an unofficial python JingDong pay API, it contains 4 main classes:

  • PayAccount
  • PayRequest
  • RefundRequest
  • QueryRequest
  • Notification
  • DownloadBill


Install using pip:

pip install jdpay

or you can refer to https://github.com/hereischen/JDPAY/dist download the tar file.


PayAccount It allows switching between differnt payment account methods such as debit card only (DO) or debit and credit card (DC).

from jdpay import PayAccount

pay_account = PayAccount(DC)

pay acoount will be initialised to a serious settings that support both debit card and credit card.

PayRequest Post payment data

from jdpay import PayRequest

jd_pay = PayRequest(pay_account)
form_data = jd_pay.post(pay_params)

QueryRequest This class handles paymment queries.

from jdpay import QueryRequest

query_request = QueryRequest(pay_account)

RefundRequest This class handles refund requests.

from jdpay import RefundRequest

refund_request = RefundRequest(pay_account)

Notification This class handls notifications send from JingDong.

return_dict, trade_dict = Notification(notification_account).get_notification(resp)


bill = DownloadBill().get_bill(bill_date='2015-07-08', suffix='_0430')