
Java app to connect to your firewall webpage automatically

Primary LanguageJava

Scc Count Badge Language grade: Java Total alerts

Auto Login

Attempt to login to a known firewall if there is no internet connection

Use provided (inside jar) phantomJS binary or take its path as first argument.


config.properties (in working directory) format :

address=(firewall url)
page_title=(title of the page, leave blank to not check)
username_field_id=(DOM id if the username field)
pass_field_id=(DOM id if the password field)
button_id=(DOM id if the button)
login=(login to use, leave blank to ask)
pass=(password to use, leave blank to ask)

# Connection tests configuration, these values (without comments) should work
test_ports=80,8080 (ports to check, leave blank to skip)
test_address=http://portquiz.net (url to reach, leave blank to skip)
test_head=<html>\n<head>\n<title>Outgoing Port Tester</title> (starting of the response content)
