- Am0rphousNorwegian University of Science and Technology
- benjamin3322
- billelBOULAHIA
- bradleythedeveloper
- croogie2Exist Michał Świtoń
- dionisor
- ezeholzBuenos Aires, Argentina
- g3t2liv3
- Germaenace
- grmerrill3D
- HEltim7
- Hx2-code
- jonathanp0Berlin, Germany
- juanbreizhShom
- LeoLTMHochschule der Medien Stuttgart
- lmoraobandoCosta Rica
- Lucker25
- m-minning
- memoriasIT@pinchbv
- MonkoftheFunk
- mrxiaodong-5China
- Noah-Burns
- o-shabashov
- RikBossuyt
- RobinBlaauw92
- snaildosSnailDOS
- spedja
- tbatzelSeattle, WA
- TudwallFrance
- twtchr44
- umbynos@arduino
- VoidedMuse
- vulcanw
- washichiNetherlands
- wenzeltMunich, New York, Key West
- zangzhwShanghai, China