Login service for VKontakte accounts (https://vk.com).
- Add the package to your project using meteorite:
$ meteor add mrt:accounts-vk
Configure vkontakte login service. You can do mannually or using GUI.
Manually: Just add next code to your config file.
if (Meteor.isServer) { ServiceConfiguration.configurations.remove({ service: 'vk' }); ServiceConfiguration.configurations.insert({ service: 'vk', appId: '1234567', // Your app id secret: 'someappsecret' // Your app secret }); }
package to your project:$ meteor add accounts-ui
{{> loginButtons}}
into your template -
Go to your browser, open page with
{{> loginButtons}}
Click on "configure Vk login" button
Fill "App Id", "App Secret" "Scope" fields in popup window following by instructions
Meteor.loginWithVk(options, callback)
for user authentication (you can omitoptions
argument). -
For customization of new user creation you must set 'createUser' event handler:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
user.custom_field = "custom value";
// ...
return user;
If this package helped you - STAR it on github. This is not difficult for you, but important for me.
Thanks to these people for their contributions! I appriciate it a lot!
- @mike1pol (Mikhail Poluboyarinov)
- @Neftedollar
- @illfantasy
- accounts-base
- accounts-oauth
- accounts-ui (if you want to use GUI)