
An IA capable of beating human players at Gomoku (42 project)

Primary LanguageGo



The goal of this project is to make an AI capable of beating human players at Gomoku with a 500ms constraint to play its turn. The IA of this project uses an alpha beta pruning algorythm with a homemade heuristic. The GUI is made with a golang library named Pixel (based on OpenGL).


Requirements: Golang version >= 1.13.0.

You must install the following dependencies : libasound2-dev, libgl1-mesa-dev and xorg-dev.

On Linux:

make linux-deps
make goget

You can now run gomoku. :)

On Windows:

You can use the precompiled executable in folder gomoku-W64-1.0.0.


Compile the project on WSL and use a tool like Xlaunch to be able to launch the project.


Compile the project on Mingw-w64 with:

make goget
make windows

(You still need to install the proper dependencies on Mingw-w64).

You can now run gomoku. :)


-d or --depth <int> : Set the depth of the Alpha Beta pruning algo. (default: 5)
-w or --width <int> : Set the width of the Alpha Beta pruning algo. (default: 8)
-r or --routine : Disable go routine (Debug purpose).
-ia: An IA plays for you (Debug purpose)

Note: Default depth and width are a compromise between performance and efficiency. High values can lead to very a long computation time.


  • To win you must put 5 stones in-a-row.

  • You can capture a pair of your ennemy stones. 5 captures lead to a win. If your 5-in-a-row is threatened with capture, you won't win. (Can be disabled on the main menu)

  • A double three is not allowed. (Can be disabled on the main menu)

  • You can choose a starting condition on the main menu.

  • Detailed rules in the subject: here


The game can completely be played with the mouse, but here are some shortcuts:
CTRL + Z: Undo
CTRL + R: Reset game
CTRL + H: Gives you a hint
CTRL + S: Save game (you can load it on the main menu)
CTRL + C: Show the potential captures on board (cheating is bad :) )
CTRL + V: Activate vsync
CTRL + F: Fullscreen mode
CTRL + A: Activate AA (smooth mode)


Main menu screenshot

Game screenshot

