
A .obj 3D viewer in C & OpenGL (42 project)

Primary LanguageC



This project is an introduction to OpenGL. The objective is to create an app capable of rendering 3D wavefront obj file, and of applying them textures by using C and OpenGL.

Subject: here


Requirements: OpenGL version >= 3.3.

You must install the following dependency : glfw 3.3.2.

make install_glfw

You can now run scop. :)

Optionnal Parameters

-v or --version : Set OpenGL version. Default: 4.1. Available versions: 3.3, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
-w or --width <int> : Set the window width. (min: 320, max: 15360)
-h or --height <int> : Set the window height. (min: 240, max: 8460)
-f or --fullscreen : Fullscreen mode.
-t or --texture <name_texture> : Set the texture by typing the name of the file you want to use (the texture must be in .bmp format and in contents/textures folder).
--r or --refresh-rate <int> : Overwrite refresh rate (MIN:24, MAX: 240, Default: Monitor refresh rate)

Mandatory Parameters

obj: Path to Wavefront .obj file


Basic keys:
- Escape: Quit the program.
- Mouse: Use left click to change cam position.
- ZQSD & Arrow keys: Move object.
- Scroll: zoom/unzoom
Texture & color keys:
- t: Activate texture
- KP 1 to 3: Set texture map algo: cubic, spheric, cylindrical
- KP 4 to 6: Set color type
- KP 7: Use obj vt mapping
- KP 8: Flip custom texture
- KP 9: Use custom texture
- k: Use default kitty texture
Special keys:
- KP *: Sleep rotation
- r: Reset cam & object positions


  • without vt mapping in obj file:
    ./scop Contents/Resources/obj/teapot2.obj

teapot faces screenshot

You can press t to apply a kitty texture using texture mapping algorithms (can be changed with KP 1 to 3). You can for example use a smooth texture like bronze.bmp to get a better render!

teapot kitty screenshot

  • With vt mapping in obj file:
    ./scop Contents/Resources/obj/backpack.obj -t diffuse.bmp, Then press t to activate texture, then KP 7 to use vt mapping described in the obj file, then KP 8 to flip the texture (some obj need the texture to be flipped.).

backpack vt screenshot

