To use the OpenweatherMap API, you need to obtain an API key. Sign up here.
- By city name
- By city ID
- By ZIP code
- By geographic coordinates
- Cities within a rectangle zone
- Cities in cycle
- Call for several city IDs
- By city name
- By city ID
- By geographic coordinates
- By city name
- By city ID
- By geographic coordinates
ENGLISH("en"), RUSSIAN("ru"), ITALIAN("it"), SPANISH("sp"), UKRAINIAN("ua"), GERMAN("de"), PORTUGUESE("pt"), ROMANIAN("ro"), POLISH("pl"), FINNISH("fi"), DUTCH("nl"), FRENCH("fr"), BULGARIAN("bg"), SWEDISH("sv"), CHINESE_TRADITIONAL("zh_tw"), CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED("zh_cn"), TURKISH("tr"), CROATIAN("hr"), CATALAN("ca");
- JSON (result as String or as WeatherInfo object)
- XML (result only as String now)
- HTML (result only as String)
- Standart
- Metric
- Imperial
More information about weather parameters and unit can be found here.
Take a look at examples module