---------------- .fuse_pxebootfs. ---------------- EXAMPLE USAGE: The easiest way to explain how this thing works is probably to present an example setup which you can modify to suit your needs. See the pxebootfs.cfg and pxelinux.cfg.template files for examples. They are currently set up to be fully operational with the following assumptions. - Your PXE nfsroot is located at /netboot/root - Your NFS server will be serving each PXE client from /netboot/node/<NODE> - The server will store all client file modifications in /netboot/overlay/<NODE> - pxelinux.cfg.template specifies nfsroot=/netboot/node/<NODE> note: "<NODE>" is replaced by the hexadecimal representation of the PXE client's IP address. eg. 'C0A80102' = '' when tftpd reads the config data from pxebootfs. To clarify: *ACTUALLY* put '<NODE>' in the PXE config. - fuse_pxebootfs probably needs to be run as root, since it needs to mount new AUFS filesystems and export them through NFS via exportfs. - Mount pxebootfs onto the pxelinux.cfg directory in your tftpd's root. In the example configuration file, we use /var/lib/tftpd/pxelinux.cfg pxebootfs.cfg example [PXEBOOTFS] pxe_template: /var/lib/tftpd/pxelinux.cfg.template node_dir: /netboot/node root_dir: /netboot/root overlay_dir: /netboot/overlay start_fsid: 10000 CONFIGURATION: - pxe_template example: pxe_template: /var/lib/tftpd/pxelinux.cfg.template The filepath to your pxelinux.cfg file. The nfsroot= entry should be something like: nfsroot=SERVERIP:/netboot/node/<NODE> Where /netboot/node is also pointed to by the node_dir config option. - node_dir example: node_dir: /netboot/node This is the directory where new pxe client nodes will be built and shared via NFS. This directly needs to be writable by the FUSE filesystem. - root_dir example: root_dir: /netboot/root Path to the root filesystem which will be used as the read-only portion of the client's new nfsroot construction. This can be read-only, because client writes will be directed to the overlay_dir aufs branch (explained next). - overlay_dir example: overlay_dir: /netboot/overlay New a directory is created in the overlay_dir for each PXE client. All PXE client filesystem modifications will be stored in their respesctive overlay directories. - start_fsid example: start_fsid: 10000 Any big integer, exportfs uses this for the fsid option. The value is incremented with each export.
A FUSE filesystem which serves up dynamically generated pxelinux config files and triggers auto-creation of new AUFS/UnionFS mounts, then shares them via NFS