
A commandline client that is capable of generating styleguides, and styleguide based workflows.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Pops - 0.0.8-dev

A commandline client that is capable of generating styleguides, and styleguide based workflows.


Install globally for best use.

$ npm install -g pops

Once installed you will have access to the pops commandline-client.

$ pops

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  Usage: pops <command> [options]

    serve            Serves Pops' styleguide
    init             Creates a pops.config.js in the current folder
    watch            Serves Pops' styleguide and watches for changes
    make::component  Creates one or multiple component/s
    make::overview   Creates one or multiple overview/s
    make::pattern    Creates one or multiple pattern/s
    make::page       Creates one or multiple page/s
    version          Prints pops version


To start a pops styleguide you will first need a pops.config.js file. After installing pops run $ pops init to generate a pops.config.js in the current directory. It should look like the following.

var path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    // folder where components, patterns, pages, and overviews will be placed
    src: path.join(__dirname, './styleguide'),
    // meta info that will be included in the api under the meta key
    meta: {
        // appears in styleguide
        name: '',
        // displayed under name in styleguide
        // keep short as overviews should be used for more substantial info
        summary: '',
        authors: [
            // list of developers who have worked on the project
    // file extensions that will be used
    ext: {
        styles: 'scss',
        templates: 'twig',
        scripts: 'js'
    // stylesheets and scripts that will be placed in styleguide head
    globals: {
        stylesheets: [
            // Include stylesheets
        javascripts: [
            // Include javascripts
    // URL of custom styleguide stylesheets
    // will replace the pops default stylesheet
    customStylesheet: [
        // custom stylesheets


The src option tells pops where it should place any generated items. It is also where pops will look when serving it's styleguide.


Meta information displayed at the top of the styleguide.


The globals option refers to global stylesheets and javascripts that are used by the styleguide items.


The ext option tells pops what file extension you wish to use. Pops will read this and create files using these intructions.

Templates by default work in either handlebars or twig format.


An array of custom stylesheet urls. Will replace the pops styleguide's default stylesheets
