
CLI app to list all variables used or required for ansible playbooks

Primary LanguagePython



CLI to check what vars are defined / used to find undefined or extra vars not documented.

Based on source for ansible 2.9 and striped down and modified version of jinja2schema.

Known Issues

  • Sub attributes of a dictionary are marked as defined if a different sub attribute is set e.g
# Setting
  sub: yay

# Will cause the use of the following undefined var to be marked as defined
{{ dict.undefined }}
  • Setting variables in jinja2 templates are seen as variable usage and will be marked as undefined if they have not been registered outside of the jinja2 template

  • Because of the removed scalar typing (to fix issues with filter discovery and other edge cases), infer-ing assumes all if statements evaluate to a boolean which can fail when actually run. This is out of scope of what avc is meant to do and is expected behavior (aka, test your code before pushing)

  • Python 3.6.x isn't tested and isn't 100% supported due to https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0538/ being introduced min 3.7. 3.6 can still be configured to work with UTF-8 encoding but this package is not tested against 3.6

  • Tests can fail with ImportError: cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'markupsafe'. To overcome this a downgraded version of markupsafe must be used pip install MarkupSafe==2.0.1

  • On my local machine python -m needs to come before the ansiblevarchecker otherwise a ImportError: cannot import name 'main' from 'ansiblevarchecker' occurs