Kards Discord Bot

Adding to server

Invite Link

This bot is currently hosted on my private servers until i find a reasonably priced option, this means if i lose power, the bot goes down. Although the uptime of my servers for the past year has been ~98%.


  1. Add stats command using kards-public-stats

Known Issues

These issues are known and unlikely to get solved either due to their complexity to implement or that they are not a real world scenario anyway.

  • You cannot search for a card by using [[ at the start of your message. This does NOT apply if you have changed the prefix from the default [.
  • You can query a maximum of 15 cards at a time. The number of cards returned may be less if two or more queries return the same card.

Self hosting

Simply clone the repo, set the following environment variables


Or for debugging purposes add this variable


Then simply run npm start for production.

npm run debug will pick up variables in the .env file of the root directory as well as expose other debugging methods.


Search Card

For the examples it is assumed you are replacing the default prefix and suffix [] with your set one.

Simlpy type the prefix followed by the text you wish to search, if you wish to type after the search, use the suffix.


[Evasive Action]
[eva] [bloody] look two
you can even type before you search for [eva

List Cards

prefix [[

Lists cards matching the supplied parameters, in the format [[name=value name=value,value2

Spaces are used to seperate the parameters and therefor cannot exist in the value itself, cases where a space exists, can be replaced with a - or _.








spawnable=true|yes|y (Default false)


  • All parameters are case insensitive
  • Nation names can be partly filled as it is a search not a match
  • Kredit value 7 includes cards with a cost of 7 or more, this is just how the kards api works
  • Providing anything other than true|yes|y for spawnable will just result in false

Admin commands

prefix [[[

The following commands can only be run by users with the administrator permission in a server. They can always be used in any channel


Lists all settings currently set for the server

[[[prefix (prefix)

Changes the prefix to the one specified, max length of 5

[[[suffix (prefix)

Changes the suffix to the one specified, max length of 5

[[[search (true|yes|y|false|no|n)

Enables or disables the use of the search function [[

[[[language (language)

Sets the preferred language output, options are en, de, fr, pl, pt, ru, zh

[[[page_size (page_size)

Sets the preferred page size for List Cards, options are 5, 10, 15

[[[channels (add|remove) (channels)

Adds or removes channels in which the list and search commands can be used. If no channels are added then it is usable in all channels.


In the case where a deleted channel is in the settings, running fix will look at the channels in the server and remove any errors for you.