
A Mario themed clone of the classic snake game

Primary LanguageJava

Author: Karen MacPherson
The game is a clone of the classic snake game, where the user controls the head of a snake (chain chomp from mario) using the arrow keys. The body will follow path of the head, and attempts to eat food(mushrooms) as it is generated while avoiding obstacles (enemies n the forms of the mario enemies Goomba and a Ghost). Every time the snake eats a piece of food, the snake will grow a unit and the user will accumulate points. The larger snake makes it harder for the user to collect food without running into itself or the accumulated enemies.

The snake 'dies' if it runs into a wall, or itself, a feildBlock, or an enemy. When the snake picks up a piece of food, another will appear randomly, along with 1 or 2 new random enemies. These do not disappear. The food could be a RedMushroom (80%) worth 5 points or a BeeMushroom (20%) worth 20 points.

Different difficulties of play affect the speed of the snake, and the number of enemies that appear after the snake eats a mushroom.

The object of the game is to direct the Chain Chomp snake around the screen to eat mushrooms, and accumulate as many points as possible before the snake collides with an enemy, block, or itself. This ends the game and the Player is given the option to restart the game and play again.

This game has only been tested within Eclispse, and requires the external jar PAD2S11Ass8.jar
