
Fun command line game used to teach git basics in an interactive way. Inspired by the githug project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GitFun is an interactive git workshop following the style of githug. GitFun is geared towards understanding the git workflow in a team, and how to deal with common problems and errors. It is a work in progress, and new levels are still being made.


npm install -g gitfun

NOTE: if you get an error cannot find OpenSSL or Libgcrypt, run xcode-select --install and then try npm install -g gitfun again.


Run gitfun where you would like to set up your gitfun_workshop project. You will be asked for permission to create the gitfun_workshop in the current directory. When the set up is complete, change directory into the newly created directory.

From within the gitfun_workshop folder, execute the command:


You will see a prompt describing a specific challenge. Use git commands to satisfy the challenge conditions. When you are done, run gitfun again to check your work. To help you out, here is a full list of GitFun commands:

Command Result
gitfun Start the challenge or check your solution
gitfun directions Repeat the current challenge directions
gitfun hint Get a hint on how to solve the current challenge
gitfun reset Reset the current challenge to its original state--You can also reset to a specific level, or to the last level not completed by running gitfun reset 0
gitfun check Check your solution (note you can run gitfun instead)
gitfun list lists all the completed levels and the currently active level