
Minimalist reimplementation of pion


  • dependent lambda calculus

    • local variables
    • integer and boolean literals
    • let expressions
    • fun expressions
    • forall expressions
    • function application expressions
    • propositional equality
    • type universes
  • unification

    • inferring types of unnanotated parameters
    • hole expressions
    • implicit arguments
      • specialization
      • generalization
    • pruning
  • recursion

    • fix
    • let rec
      • single recursive value binding
      • mutually recursive value bindings
    • termination checking
  • aggregate types

    • dependent pairs
    • record types
    • sum types
    • row types
  • pattern matching

    • if expressions
      • dependent if expressions
    • single-layer pattern matching over integers and booleans
    • multi-layer pattern matching compilation w/ coverage checking
    • or-patterns
    • and-patterns
    • as-patterns
    • pattern guards
  • user interface

    • pion check
    • pion repl
    • pion fmt
    • "commands" a la Lean4/Rocq (eg #check term, #print metavars)
  • documentation

    • code comments
    • tutorial
    • typing rules
    • bibliography
    • spec