Welcome to my Web Development repository! Here, I am documenting my journey in learning web development through various online tutorials and Books. Feel free to explore the code and resources I've gathered from my learning sources.

  1. Code With Harry
  2. Apna College
  3. Thapa Technical
    • YouTube Channel: Thapa Technical
    • Instructor: Thapa Technical The repository is organized into folders corresponding to the topics covered in the tutorials.
  • Each folder may contain code examples, projects, and additional resources related to the specific topic.

How to Use:-

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/web-development.git

If you find any errors, or improvements, or have suggestions, feel free to contribute by creating issues or pull requests.

Make sure to replace "your-username" with your actual GitHub username. With this correction, your README is ready for use!