
Implementation of Newest RNN and Seq2Seq Features

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TensorFlow With The Latest Papers Implemented

###Implementation of RNN and NLP Related Neural Network Papers

Currently Implemented Papers:

  • Highway Networks
  • Recurrent Highway Networks
  • Multiplicative Integration Within RNNs
  • GRU Mutants

More Papers to come as they are published. If you have any requests, please use the issues section.

###Contact Information:

skype: lea vesbr eat he (eliminate all spaces)

email: sh a hn s [at ] m ail.u c.ed u (eliminate all spaces)

Testing These New Papers

If you would like to test these new features, you can:

python ptb_word_lm.py

Simply modify the rnn_cell variable under the PTBModel

Please run with Tensorflow 0.8 or higher

Highway Networks


Allows greater depth of neural network freely without penalty from upper layers. Ensures shortcut connections within deeper layers.

import highway_networks_modern

output = highway_networks_modern.highway(inputs, num_layers = 3)

Recurrent Highway Networks


Allows multiple stacking of layers within one cell to increase depth per timestep.

import rnn_cell_modern

cell = rnn_cell_modern.HighwayRNNCell(num_units, num_highway_layers = 3)

Multiplicative Integration Within RNNs


Allows faster convergence within RNNs by utilizing the combination of two separate weight matrices in a multiplicative setting

import rnn_cell_mulint_modern

cell = rnn_cell_mulint_modern.BasicRNNCell_MulInt(num_units)
cell = rnn_cell_mulint_modern.GRUCell_MulInt(num_units)
cell = rnn_cell_mulint_modern.BasicLSTMCell_MulInt(num_units)
cell = rnn_cell_mulint_modern.HighwayRNNCell_MulInt(num_units, num_highway_layers = 3)

GRU Mutants


Mutants of GRU that may work better in different scenarios:

cell = rnn_cell_modern.JZS1Cell(num_units)
cell = rnn_cell_modern.JZS2Cell(num_units)
cell = rnn_cell_modern.JZS3Cell(num_units)