Knapsack Pro for Jest test runner in JavaScript. It splits tests in dynamic way across parallel CI nodes to get faster CI build time.
- 4
Jest 29 support
#63 opened by MarcEspiard - 3
Support KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_LIST_SOURCE_FILE to specify the set of files to run
#58 opened by renehernandez - 2
Jest 28 Breaks Npm Install
#50 opened by daaasbu - 5
knapsack-pro-jest not respecting "testFailureExitCode" Jest configuration option
#43 opened by ImOnMars - 3
Force exit doesn't work
#31 opened by lzientek - 3
Recommend runInBand
#24 opened by haines - 7
Saving coverage data
#12 opened by andrcuns