
Tv and movie quiz with multiple choices. When user answers, the right and wrong answers are displayed through the buttons changing color. Displays a summary at the end with users answers. Collaboration with Antonella Cardozo, David Ballester, Mia Dahlgren and Saralie Bognandi.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Quiz - Foxes 🦊 - Group 2

This week project was about learning about the global state using Redux. We build a quiz game with a Netflix theme changing the state based on the user answers.

The problem

We worked as a group in a more advanced way using a mob-programming aproach. Before starting the project we used Figma to plan design, different styles and also how we should structure the website with different components. We broked down the tasks that needed to be done and focused on prioritizing the decided goals for the day.

We have been using styled components and Redux with the different hooks such as useDispatch and useSelector to interact with the store.

View it live

Group project by : David Ballester, Mia Dahlgren, Saralie Bognandi, Antonella Cardozo, and Sarah Kneedler. https://quizflix.netlify.app/