
Knet implementation of "A simple neural network module for relational reasoning" (Relational Networks) https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.01427.pdf

Primary LanguageJulia

A simple neural network module for relational reasoning

Knet implementation of Relational Networks - A simple neural network module for relational reasoning

Implemented & tested on CLEVR from state descriptions.


  • Download clever data (without images) and preprocess the data.
cd relational-network
bash prepare_data.sh
  • Run experiment script to train the model on state descriptions
bash run.sh
  • The model and log file will be generated inside src/saved_models


Epoch Accuracy (Val Set)
1 44.07%
5 47.50%
15 57.69%
25 79.60%
40 93.21%
65 94.50%


  • Training Time: On Tesla K80 GPU, 1 epoch takes ~ 12 minutes.