- 2
- 2 not accessible
#418 opened by ajokela - 0
Screen is a Garbled Mess
#417 opened by sirquackiii - 5
- 1
Shutdown Menu Bug
#412 opened by NonstickAtom785 - 2
kpack: Windows support
#372 opened by TheElementalOfDestruction - 1
#389 opened by pixelherodev - 0
Replace kdoc
#416 opened by pixelherodev - 1
RS-232 over I/O port
#386 opened by pixelherodev - 12
install doesnt work
#411 opened by HacksAndSlash - 4
scas misassembles castle
#409 opened by pixelherodev - 2
- 0
- 5
z80e doesn't build anymore because of scas
#414 opened by aviallon - 4
"Hello World" SDK example does not compile.
#413 opened by TsarFox - 1
Fix up KCC CLI
#410 opened by pixelherodev - 6
Automatically determine TXU size from ROM
#393 opened by pixelherodev - 4
Scas 1.0 tracker
#405 opened by pixelherodev - 3
Clean up warnings in SDK packages
#387 opened by pixelherodev - 1
Set up CI on SourceHut
#388 opened by pixelherodev - 1
Change default contrast for TI-83 plus?
#400 opened by SamuraiSpaceCat - 0
Scas memory usage revamp
#407 opened by pixelherodev - 0
Write a script to update copyright notices
#403 opened by pixelherodev - 3
Don't default to -Werror
#402 opened by pixelherodev - 3
Issue with compiling KnightOS/patchrom
#406 opened by sorucoder - 2
Adding relocation tables to executables
#382 opened by ddevault - 4
Add test suite to scas
#375 opened by pixelherodev - 0
Add documentation for libraries
#404 opened by pixelherodev - 0
Move contrast adjustment into corelib
#401 opened by pixelherodev - 3
KCC can't understand variable declarations if another statement occured before
#395 opened by aviallon - 3
KnightOS for TI-Nspire series?
#394 opened by topikettunen - 0
Readd support for ImageMagick 6 to kimg
#391 opened by pixelherodev - 5
Write a trivial program to generate a character array instead of embedding scas table file as a string
#390 opened by pixelherodev - 9
TI84+CE support
#392 opened by s5bug - 5
z80e-sdl macOS linker error: undefined symbol _main
#379 opened by nmosier - 7
Kimg fails to build on cygwin when running sdk installer, I think because it can't find the header in the path.
#383 opened by chexo3 - 20 down
#365 opened by polarisfm - 1
-fauto-relocation breaks some relative jumps
#378 opened by pixelherodev - 0
SDK dependency resolution is broken
#385 opened by pixelherodev - 38
- 1
KCC OS X Documentation
#377 opened by pixelherodev - 2
- 2
KnightOS homepage link at github organisation should be
#384 opened by salkin-mada - 5
- 3
[scas] .org breaks jr / djnz
#376 opened by pixelherodev - 0
Implement .fill in scas
#368 opened by ddevault - 3
Can't use download nor build KnightOS. Desperate
#366 opened by aviallon - 3
Grey screen while using z80e
#369 opened by aviallon - 2 and down
#364 opened by aviallon - 1
Support for Ti-84 Plus CE
#367 opened by RossComputerGuy