
KnightOS online userspace program IDE thingy

Primary LanguageJavaScript


KnightOS online userspace program IDE thingy


Want to help make try.knightos.org even better? Check out the instructions below on how to host a local copy of try.knightos.org for development.

Hosting a local copy

If you do not have ruby installed on your system, you need to get it from here. After installing ruby, you will need to install the ruby gem jekyll by running

gem install jekyll

After installing the prerequisites, clone this repository and navigate to its root directory

git clone --recursive https://github.com/KnightOS/try.knightos.org.git
cd try.knightos.org

Then, you can generate the site and start the local server by using

jekyll serve

Now, you can visit in your browser to see your local copy of try.knightos.org. Any changes that you make to the site source will automatically be updated when you refresh the page.

Help, Bugs, Feedback

If you need help with KnightOS, want to keep up with progress, chat with developers, or ask any other questions about KnightOS, you can hang out in the IRC channel: #knightos on irc.freenode.net.

To report bugs, please create a GitHub issue or contact us on IRC.

If you'd like to contribute to the project, please see the contribution guidelines.