
Web services and client for the KnowEnG platform

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the codebase implementing both the Mayo Microbiome 
Database project and the KnowEnG frontend. 

To Install Docker

Check the current version of Docker installed on your machine ::

    docker -v

If Docker is older than 1.6 or not installed at all, follow the instructions
here to install the latest version of Docker: http://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/  
Don't worry about the "Optional configurations for Docker on 
Ubuntu." Note that if a pre-1.6 version of Docker was installed by apt-get, 
you may need to run ::

    sudo apt-get remove docker.io

to avoid warning messages while following the instructions.

nest_ops Overview:
nest_ops is a commandline tool that does common compilation, deployment,
docker, and maintenance tasks specific to the nest code repository.

nest_ops is implemented in python code that lives inside this repo. The
code is always run in a special 'nest_ops' docker container, although that
fact is largely hidden from the developer typing commands. Every time
nest_ops is invoked, a docker container with the necessary dependencies is
launched, runs a single python command, and exits. (Look inside
the 'nest_ops' shell script to see how the handoff is done). 

Getting Started:
On the first run, and any time python or javascript requirements change,
you will need to build the nest_ops docker container manually. All
other containers are built and run by running nest_ops commands.

First time ::

    cd docker
    sh build_nest_ops.sh
    cd ..
    chmod u+x nest_ops
    ./nest_ops -h

From then on ::

	./nest_ops <subcommand> <options>
Help Summary:

usage: nest_ops [-h] {compile,doc,clienttest,pytest,docker,ci,all_help} ...

Commands that operate against the code, output files to local working directory.
Docker commands build locally then deploy and start/stop on a specified host's
docker daemon.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

	    compile             Compile a type of code, or everything.
		doc                 Generate all docs and api-docs (python, typescript, etc).
		clienttest          Run all client unit tests.
		pytest              Run one or all python unit tests.
		docker              Build, Deploy, Start/Stop docker containers in the nest stack.
		ci                  Run continuous-integration tasks (build, test, deploy).
		all_help            Print all subcommands' long-form help messages

Common options and their defaults:

	<nest_site> = ['localhost':default, 'staging', 'demo']
	<project> = ['knoweng', 'mmbdb', 'hello_world':default]
	<runlevel> = ['development':default, 'production']

See the bottom of this file for long-from subcommand help

To Run the Web Server

Before the first run, and whenever code requirements change, build
all docker containers:

    ./nest_ops docker --service=all build

Start the development web server and all dependencies in 'knoweng' mode::

    ./nest_ops docker --service=all --project=knoweng startup

This will start the backend. The skeleton of the website will be available at http://localhost:8000/static/index.html

If you need the frontend for real, perform the steps to Build the Web Client below to generate javascript, style sheets, etc.

Stop the development web server with ::

	./nest_ops docker --service=all teardown

For more detailed help on individual containers and additional parameters,

	./nest_ops docker -h

To Build the Web Client and Run the Client Tests
To compile TypeScript to javascript, build style sheets, fetch frontend dependencies, etc:

Run ::

	./nest_ops compile --code_type=web_assets

With the development web server running (procedure explained above), the client
will be found at

Launch all client tests with ::

    ./nest_ops clienttest

To Run the Python Tests

To run python tests, the backing services must be running:

    ./nest_ops docker --service=postgres startup
    ./nest_ops docker --service=redis startup

Then, launch all tests with ::

    ./nest_ops pytest

To run the tests of a single python module, give its filename relative
to the tests/unit/ directory. E.g., for tests in nest/tests/unit/eve_config_test.py:

	./nest_ops pytest eve_config_test.py

To Add New Python Dependencies

Add the pip library name and an exact version number to one or more of the 
files under ``requirements/``. (Note that some files include each other; e.g.,
``nest_flask.txt`` loads everything from ``common.txt``.) Save your changes and
run ::

	cd docker
	sh build_nest_ops.sh
	cd ..
	./nest_ops docker --service=nest_flask build   
	./nest_ops docker --service=nest_jobs build   

You'll need to stop and restart the development web server for changes to take

To Generate Documentation

Run ::

	./nest_ops doc

The documentation will be created in HTML format under docs/generated/_build/html.

Docstring Style

See http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/example_google.html

Future planning (These are not implemented)

nest_ops integration_test --project=<project_env> --target_site=<site> --port=80
   runs the integration test suite for a given project against the nest_flask
   server running on targe_site. The tests always run from localhost (client
   calls from localhost) but the server they exercise can be a different
   machine (usually staging servers)

nest_ops database --project=<project_env> --targe_site=<site> <db-action>

	<db-action> = ['init-schemas', 'drop-schemas', 'wipe-data',  'seed-data']

nest_ops job_queue --project=<project> --target_site=<site> <job-action>
	<job-action> = ['prep-redis', 'kill-all-running', 'cancel-queued', 'wipe-history']

nest_ops -h

The below documentation is autogenerated and provides detailed usage of
nest_ops commands. Improving documenation there is better than editing this
doc directly. 

Run the following command to get the most up to date version: './nest_ops all_help'

h, --help  show this help message and exit

usage: nest_ops [-h]

Commands that operate against the code, output files to local working directory.
Docker commands build locally then deploy and start/stop on a specified host's
docker daemon.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    compile             Compile a type of code, or everything.
    doc                 Generate all docs and api-docs (python, typescript, etc).
    clienttest          Run all client unit tests.
    pytest              Run one or all python unit tests.
    docker               Build, Start, Stop docker containers in the nest stack.
    smoke_test          Run one or all smoke tests against a nest server.
    ci                  Run continuous-integration tasks (build, test, deploy).
    deploy              Download and run the nest stack on a remote machine
    remote_maintenance  Run maintenance script on a remote machine
    seed                Run a project's seeding script against a nest server.
    seed_users          Seed the local database with a project's pre-configured users.
    wipe                Delete all data from all eve endpoints that store data for a project
    wix                 Run a job with a config file that has been
                        registered in the command registry.
    db                  Directly manipulate a Postgres database used by Nest.
    all_help            Print all subcommands' long-form help messages

### doc ###

usage: nest_ops doc [-h]

Generate all docs and api-docs (python, typescript, etc).

Has no arguments. Will attempt to generate all types of docs
even if one fails.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

### compile ###

usage: nest_ops compile [-h]
                        [--code_type {python,web_assets,web_assets:npm,web_assets:ts,web_assets:dist,all}]
                        [--project {hello_world,knoweng,mmbdb}]
                        [--runlevel {development,production}]

Compile a type of code, or everything.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --code_type {python,web_assets,web_assets:npm,web_assets:ts,web_assets:dist,all}
                        The target code type to compile
                            python         : runs pylint with 'errors' only reporting
                            web_assets     : runs web_assets:npm, web_assets:ts, and web_assets:dist
                            web_assets:npm : (re)installs node packages
                            web_assets:ts  : compiles typescript, builds all assets
                            web_assets:dist: prepares the client/dist directory to serve the specified project's assets
                            all            : (default) all of the above
  --project {hello_world,knoweng,mmbdb}
                        Which project to build. Only affects the web_assets:dist
                                    code_type, where it determines which project's index.html
                                    will be the main entry point index.html in the static files.
  --runlevel {development,production}
                        Determines the run level for logging, error checking, etc.

### clienttest ###

usage: nest_ops clienttest [-h]

Run all client unit tests.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

### pytest ###

usage: nest_ops pytest [-h]
                       [--spawn-linked-container [{true,false,True,False}]]

Run one or all python unit tests.

positional arguments:
  python_source_file    Name of a python file of unit tests relative to tests/unit/

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --spawn-linked-container [{true,false,True,False}]
                        If true, spawn a new docker container with postgres and redis linked 
                        to run the test(s) in. Requires postgres_i and redis_i to already be 
                        running. Default is True.

### docker ###

usage: nest_ops docker [-h] [--project {hello_world,knoweng,mmbdb}]
                       [--site {localhost,demo.hello_world,demo.knoweng,demo.mmbdb,staging.hello_world,staging.knoweng,staging.mmbdb,klumpp.mmbdb}]
                       [--runlevel {development,production}]
                       [--service {all,postgres,redis,nest_flask,nest_jobs}]

 Build, Start, Stop docker containers in the nest stack.

positional arguments:
                        build:    runs 'docker build' on the Dockerfile associated with
                                   the service. All services must therefore have a Dockerfile
                                   in nest/docker/, even if they don't add anything to a
                                   publicly available image. After build, an image is available
                                   to run on localhost.
                        startup:  starts the docker container and runs its main executable
                        teardown: Stops the container and removes it from the list of
                                   inactive containers. You must remove the previously running
                                   container before starting a new one as they will try to
                                   use the same name. Note that this means all containers
                                   should be considered stateless, and must write any data
                                   that must survive startup/teardown to a docker 'volume'
                                   that maps to a file directory on the host machine.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --project {hello_world,knoweng,mmbdb}
                        Which project to run the service as. Note that
                                    not all commands and services necessarily do anything
                                    unique for a project-env. Redis ignores it. The nest_flask
                                    and nest_jobs containers currently ignore it during build
                                    but then use it during 'start' so that they expose only
                                    the correct endpoints, etc. 
  --site {localhost,demo.hello_world,demo.knoweng,demo.mmbdb,staging.hello_world,staging.knoweng,staging.mmbdb,klumpp.mmbdb}
                        The environment of services that is being manipulated,
                                    either localhost or one of the known shared environments
  --runlevel {development,production}
                        Determines the run level for logging, error checking, etc.
  --service {all,postgres,redis,nest_flask,nest_jobs}
                        Which of the docker containers within the stack to manipulate.

### ci ###

usage: nest_ops ci [-h] {feature,develop,master}

Run continuous-integration tasks (build, test, deploy).

positional arguments:
                        The type of git branch:
                            feature : unmerged feature branches. runs tests.
                            develop : mainline development branch. Runs tests then deploys to staging
                            master  : mainline stable branch. Run tests then deploy to demo

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

### all_help ###

usage: nest_ops all_help [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
nest_ops exit_code: 0 (SUCCESS). Took: 0.0s