=============================== Nest =============================== This repository contains the codebase implementing both the Mayo Microbiome Database project and the KnowEnG frontend. To Install Docker ----------------- Check the current version of Docker installed on your machine :: docker -v If Docker is older than 1.6 or not installed at all, follow the instructions here to install the latest version of Docker: http://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/ Don't worry about the "Optional configurations for Docker on Ubuntu." Note that if a pre-1.6 version of Docker was installed by apt-get, you may need to run :: sudo apt-get remove docker.io to avoid warning messages while following the instructions. nest_ops Overview: ----------------- nest_ops is a commandline tool that does common compilation, deployment, docker, and maintenance tasks specific to the nest code repository. nest_ops is implemented in python code that lives inside this repo. The code is always run in a special 'nest_ops' docker container, although that fact is largely hidden from the developer typing commands. Every time nest_ops is invoked, a docker container with the necessary dependencies is launched, runs a single python command, and exits. (Look inside the 'nest_ops' shell script to see how the handoff is done). Getting Started: ---------------- On the first run, and any time python or javascript requirements change, you will need to build the nest_ops docker container manually. All other containers are built and run by running nest_ops commands. First time :: cd docker sh build_nest_ops.sh cd .. chmod u+x nest_ops ./nest_ops -h From then on :: ./nest_ops <subcommand> <options> Help Summary: ------------- usage: nest_ops [-h] {compile,doc,clienttest,pytest,docker,ci,all_help} ... Commands that operate against the code, output files to local working directory. Docker commands build locally then deploy and start/stop on a specified host's docker daemon. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit subcommands: {compile,doc,clienttest,pytest,docker,ci,all_help} compile Compile a type of code, or everything. doc Generate all docs and api-docs (python, typescript, etc). clienttest Run all client unit tests. pytest Run one or all python unit tests. docker Build, Deploy, Start/Stop docker containers in the nest stack. ci Run continuous-integration tasks (build, test, deploy). all_help Print all subcommands' long-form help messages Common options and their defaults: <nest_site> = ['localhost':default, 'staging', 'demo'] <project> = ['knoweng', 'mmbdb', 'hello_world':default] <runlevel> = ['development':default, 'production'] See the bottom of this file for long-from subcommand help To Run the Web Server --------------------- Before the first run, and whenever code requirements change, build all docker containers: ./nest_ops docker --service=all build Start the development web server and all dependencies in 'knoweng' mode:: ./nest_ops docker --service=all --project=knoweng startup This will start the backend. The skeleton of the website will be available at http://localhost:8000/static/index.html If you need the frontend for real, perform the steps to Build the Web Client below to generate javascript, style sheets, etc. Stop the development web server with :: ./nest_ops docker --service=all teardown For more detailed help on individual containers and additional parameters, see: ./nest_ops docker -h To Build the Web Client and Run the Client Tests ------------------------------------------------ To compile TypeScript to javascript, build style sheets, fetch frontend dependencies, etc: Run :: ./nest_ops compile --code_type=web_assets With the development web server running (procedure explained above), the client will be found at Launch all client tests with :: ./nest_ops clienttest To Run the Python Tests ---------------- To run python tests, the backing services must be running: ./nest_ops docker --service=postgres startup ./nest_ops docker --service=redis startup Then, launch all tests with :: ./nest_ops pytest To run the tests of a single python module, give its filename relative to the tests/unit/ directory. E.g., for tests in nest/tests/unit/eve_config_test.py: ./nest_ops pytest eve_config_test.py To Add New Python Dependencies ------------------------------ Add the pip library name and an exact version number to one or more of the files under ``requirements/``. (Note that some files include each other; e.g., ``nest_flask.txt`` loads everything from ``common.txt``.) Save your changes and run :: cd docker sh build_nest_ops.sh cd .. ./nest_ops docker --service=nest_flask build ./nest_ops docker --service=nest_jobs build You'll need to stop and restart the development web server for changes to take effect. To Generate Documentation ------------------------- Run :: ./nest_ops doc The documentation will be created in HTML format under docs/generated/_build/html. Docstring Style --------------- See http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/example_google.html Future planning (These are not implemented) ------------------------------------------- nest_ops integration_test --project=<project_env> --target_site=<site> --port=80 runs the integration test suite for a given project against the nest_flask server running on targe_site. The tests always run from localhost (client calls from localhost) but the server they exercise can be a different machine (usually staging servers) nest_ops database --project=<project_env> --targe_site=<site> <db-action> <db-action> = ['init-schemas', 'drop-schemas', 'wipe-data', 'seed-data'] nest_ops job_queue --project=<project> --target_site=<site> <job-action> <job-action> = ['prep-redis', 'kill-all-running', 'cancel-queued', 'wipe-history'] nest_ops -h ------------- The below documentation is autogenerated and provides detailed usage of nest_ops commands. Improving documenation there is better than editing this doc directly. Run the following command to get the most up to date version: './nest_ops all_help' h, --help show this help message and exit Autogenerated: usage: nest_ops [-h] {compile,doc,clienttest,pytest,docker,smoke_test,ci,deploy,remote_maintenance,seed,seed_users,wipe,wix,db,all_help} ... Commands that operate against the code, output files to local working directory. Docker commands build locally then deploy and start/stop on a specified host's docker daemon. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit subcommands: {compile,doc,clienttest,pytest,docker,smoke_test,ci,deploy,remote_maintenance,seed,seed_users,wipe,wix,db,all_help} compile Compile a type of code, or everything. doc Generate all docs and api-docs (python, typescript, etc). clienttest Run all client unit tests. pytest Run one or all python unit tests. docker Build, Start, Stop docker containers in the nest stack. smoke_test Run one or all smoke tests against a nest server. ci Run continuous-integration tasks (build, test, deploy). deploy Download and run the nest stack on a remote machine remote_maintenance Run maintenance script on a remote machine seed Run a project's seeding script against a nest server. seed_users Seed the local database with a project's pre-configured users. wipe Delete all data from all eve endpoints that store data for a project wix Run a job with a config file that has been registered in the command registry. db Directly manipulate a Postgres database used by Nest. all_help Print all subcommands' long-form help messages ################## ### doc ### #################### usage: nest_ops doc [-h] Generate all docs and api-docs (python, typescript, etc). Has no arguments. Will attempt to generate all types of docs even if one fails. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit ################## ### compile ### #################### usage: nest_ops compile [-h] [--code_type {python,web_assets,web_assets:npm,web_assets:ts,web_assets:dist,all}] [--project {hello_world,knoweng,mmbdb}] [--runlevel {development,production}] Compile a type of code, or everything. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --code_type {python,web_assets,web_assets:npm,web_assets:ts,web_assets:dist,all} The target code type to compile python : runs pylint with 'errors' only reporting web_assets : runs web_assets:npm, web_assets:ts, and web_assets:dist web_assets:npm : (re)installs node packages web_assets:ts : compiles typescript, builds all assets web_assets:dist: prepares the client/dist directory to serve the specified project's assets all : (default) all of the above --project {hello_world,knoweng,mmbdb} Which project to build. Only affects the web_assets:dist code_type, where it determines which project's index.html will be the main entry point index.html in the static files. --runlevel {development,production} Determines the run level for logging, error checking, etc. ################## ### clienttest ### #################### usage: nest_ops clienttest [-h] Run all client unit tests. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit ################## ### pytest ### #################### usage: nest_ops pytest [-h] [--spawn-linked-container [{true,false,True,False}]] [python_source_file] Run one or all python unit tests. positional arguments: python_source_file Name of a python file of unit tests relative to tests/unit/ optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --spawn-linked-container [{true,false,True,False}] If true, spawn a new docker container with postgres and redis linked to run the test(s) in. Requires postgres_i and redis_i to already be running. Default is True. ################## ### docker ### #################### usage: nest_ops docker [-h] [--project {hello_world,knoweng,mmbdb}] [--site {localhost,demo.hello_world,demo.knoweng,demo.mmbdb,staging.hello_world,staging.knoweng,staging.mmbdb,klumpp.mmbdb}] [--runlevel {development,production}] [--service {all,postgres,redis,nest_flask,nest_jobs}] [{build,startup,teardown}] Build, Start, Stop docker containers in the nest stack. positional arguments: {build,startup,teardown} build: runs 'docker build' on the Dockerfile associated with the service. All services must therefore have a Dockerfile in nest/docker/, even if they don't add anything to a publicly available image. After build, an image is available to run on localhost. startup: starts the docker container and runs its main executable teardown: Stops the container and removes it from the list of inactive containers. You must remove the previously running container before starting a new one as they will try to use the same name. Note that this means all containers should be considered stateless, and must write any data that must survive startup/teardown to a docker 'volume' that maps to a file directory on the host machine. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --project {hello_world,knoweng,mmbdb} Which project to run the service as. Note that not all commands and services necessarily do anything unique for a project-env. Redis ignores it. The nest_flask and nest_jobs containers currently ignore it during build but then use it during 'start' so that they expose only the correct endpoints, etc. --site {localhost,demo.hello_world,demo.knoweng,demo.mmbdb,staging.hello_world,staging.knoweng,staging.mmbdb,klumpp.mmbdb} The environment of services that is being manipulated, either localhost or one of the known shared environments --runlevel {development,production} Determines the run level for logging, error checking, etc. --service {all,postgres,redis,nest_flask,nest_jobs} Which of the docker containers within the stack to manipulate. ################## ### ci ### #################### usage: nest_ops ci [-h] {feature,develop,master} Run continuous-integration tasks (build, test, deploy). positional arguments: {feature,develop,master} The type of git branch: feature : unmerged feature branches. runs tests. develop : mainline development branch. Runs tests then deploys to staging master : mainline stable branch. Run tests then deploy to demo optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit ################## ### all_help ### #################### usage: nest_ops all_help [-h] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit nest_ops exit_code: 0 (SUCCESS). Took: 0.0s