
Token create by Knowz?

Primary LanguageSolidity

Portfolio of Knowz

Hello, this is where my portfolio is located with the different projects I have created. Some of them are 100% my own creation, others, I have been inspired by other contracts (not many).

  • monkeyToken.sol : classic mint system / whitelist system / administration system (with admin.sol) / sale and preSale date system, and lots of other cool features !

  • admin.sol : contract that allows the owner to define admins who can access the functions they want.

  • cryptoking.sol : one of my solidity contract ideas

  • escrow.sol : it's a basic escrow contract where one address can deposit money, and another can collect it and send the package

  • lottoStorage.sol : It is a lotto contract, which uses the Chainlink oracle and API3 to generate a random number and which allows to trigger some functions