- 1
#482 opened by garak - 0
Deprecated extension
#480 opened by garak - 3
- 1
- 1
Modernize the directory structure
#463 opened by tacman - 5
support Symfony 7, bump minimum PHP to 8.1
#462 opened by tacman - 2
Automatically inject the menus into the container
#466 opened by tacman - 1
Release v3.3.0 is not comatible with PHP 7.4
#468 opened by nitwhiz - 0
Revamp the documentation for creating menus
#465 opened by tacman - 2
- 1
Deprecate the templating component integration
#458 opened by mbabker - 5
Support of PHP versions?
#449 opened by stephanvierkant - 1
What about PHP8.1 support?
#454 opened by palansher - 10
Missing documentation about autowiring
#368 opened by garak - 1
Example to return a json.
#426 opened by eznix86 - 4
Implementation imposes anti-DI anti-pattern on implementors with parameterless constructor
#443 opened by Bilge - 9
Quick win - Fixing 3.4 deprecated warning
#375 opened by stphane - 5
[SF4] Container is null into Builder.php
#388 opened by mysterty - 1
New release for PHP 8 support
#437 opened by VincentLanglet - 6
Unknown "knp_menu_render" function.
#435 opened by Marcoparigi - 1
- 2
Can't extract Menu label with JMSTranslation
#393 opened by picks44 - 2
Does not support Symfony 5.*
#421 opened by Unlik - 5
Add suport for Symfony 5
#419 opened by tacman - 4
- 0
Broken link in documentation
#417 opened by markwatney2016 - 2
Menu (v2.2) does not fold open anymore in iOS13
#415 opened by xantos05 - 2
- 1
SF 4.3 deprecation
#407 opened by manu-sparheld - 8
New release
#405 opened by core23 - 0
How to add children list inside div ?
#403 opened by aelfannir - 1
- 4
Compatibility with Symfony 4.2
#395 opened by QuentinCurtet - 5
Override the getBuilder method
#386 opened by QuentinCurtet - 1
- 3
Non-existent service knp_menu.listener.voters
#391 opened by boxedcode - 2
Deprecation Message in knp-menu-bundle/src/Provider/BuilderAliasProvider.php:104
#373 opened by Gemineye - 6
Provide autowiring for MenuProviderInterface
#384 opened by soullivaneuh - 0
Allow configuration to not use default RouteVoter
#382 opened by kopeckyales - 2
Symfony 4 - Menu as event
#380 opened by lsv - 1
- 4
VoterInitializerListener is deprecated
#367 opened by ossinkine - 1
Template inheritance broken in Symfony 4
#376 opened by curry684 - 4
- 1
Deprecation messages in KnpMenu
#371 opened by narigondelsiglo - 1
Renderer services should be private
#370 opened by ossinkine - 1
BC break after upgrading to 2.2.0
#369 opened by BoShurik - 3
Circular reference issue makes composer install fail
#366 opened by compains - 1
$voter->setRequest() deprecated in KnpMenu
#364 opened by mgiraud - 4
Argument 1 passed to Builder::__construct() must implement interface Knp\Menu\FactoryInterface, none given
#361 opened by LeandroLuccerini