
You should probably use HWIOAuthBundle (https://github.com/hwi/HWIOAuthBundle) instead, though. -- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED by KnpLabs

Primary LanguagePHP

This project is no longer maintained by KnpLabs

Use HWIOAuthBundle instead

KnpOAuthBundle, an OAuth firewall for Symfony2

Instructions for 2.1 branch

Please note this is the 2.1 compatible branch of this bundle. If you are using Symfony 2.0.*, then you should upgrade. If you can't, you can still use the 2.0 branch.


This bundle provides an OAuth firewall for Symfony2.

You should really read the full documentation, but if you're in a hurry (I know you are), this file should help you quickly getting a working setup.



Add this to your deps:




Then run the usual bin/vendors:

bin/vendors install

Register autoloads:

    'Knp'              => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
    'Buzz'             => __DIR__.'/../vendor/Buzz/lib'

Register the bundles in your AppKernel:

$bundles = array(
    new Knp\Bundle\OAuthBundle\KnpOAuthBundle(),
    new Sensio\Bundle\BuzzBundle\SensioBuzzBundle(),


Using the KnpOAuthBundle is just a matter of configuring an oauth firewall in your security.yml. The bundle exposes a number of configuration directives to suit your oauth needs. Here's a pretty standard security configuration:

            pattern:    ^/secured/login$
            security:   false
            pattern:    ^/secured/
                oauth_provider:    oauth
                authorization_url: https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
                access_token_url:  https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
                infos_url:         https://github.com/api/v2/json/user/show
                username_path:     user.login
                client_id:         <your_oauth_client_id>
                secret:            <your_oauth_secret>
                scope:             <your_oauth_scope>
                check_path:        /secured/login_check
                login_path:        /secured/login

Please see the configuration reference for a description of the configuration options.

Right now, what you probably want to know is that this bundle comes with a few pre-configured oauth provider, namely:

  • github (required options: client_id, secret)
  • er... that's all for now.

If you don't see your favorite provider in the list, don't worry, there are three solutions, depending on how much of a hurry you're in:

  1. Implement it (and it would be awesome if you contributed it afterwards)
  2. Use the generic OAuth provider
  3. Ask us to implement it. (please provide as much information as possible (authorize_url, access_token_url, infos_url (with its response format) and username_path would be nice))

User providers

Most of the time, if you are using Doctrine, you will want to use the EntityUserProvider.

This provider fetches users from the database and creates them on the fly if they don't already exist. It requires Doctrine to work. It works exactly like Doctrine's entity user provider, except its configuration key is oauth_entity:

            class: KnpBundlesBundle:User
            property: name