This is the practical part of our Behat training.
The participants will practice Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Behat and they will learn how to write good user stories, meaningful tests and Behat features.
In order to start the project just run:
make start
It will build, run and install the necessary dependencies.
In order to stop the project run:
make stop
Once you installed behat you can run it using:
make behat
It will run all tests.
If you want to pass some arguments to behat command you can do it by setting the ARGS
make behat ARGS=--help
Once you'll have written your Mink crawler you'll be able to run it using:
make crawler
In order to run any other command in the PHP container you can use the following:
make run CMD="composer require ..."
B(ehavior) D(riven) D(evelopment):
D(omain) D(riven) D(esign):
Ubiquitous language: