
The symfony training project

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony Training

This is the boilerplate project for KNP Labs Symfony training.


To run this project with docker you will need:


make start


Once the stack has started, you may apply Doctrine migrations:

make database-create
make database-migrate

You can now access the application on localhost.


For most of trainings, you will need some fixtures to be loaded. To do so, run:

make fixtures-load

At this point, you should be able to log in and access the application (Email: admin@mail.com, Password: admin)


Commands Description
start Setup and start the stack
cp-env Copie default .env if none exists
build Build Docker's container
install-deps Install Composer dependencies
database-create Create database if none exists
database-drop Drop database
database-migrate Run Doctrine migrations
fixtures-load Load fixtures