
Deployment of complete environment for ClientInspector (v2), which is a cool showcase to demo Log ingestion API & Azure DCR to store data in Azure LogAnalytics

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


The purpose of this repository is to provide everything needed to deploy a complete environment for ClientInspector (Github)

The deployment includes the following steps:

  1. create Azure Resource Group for Azure LogAnalytics Workspace
  2. create Azure LogAnalytics Workspace
  3. create Azure App registration used for upload of data by ClientInspector
  4. create Azure service principal on Azure App
  5. create needed secret on Azure app
  6. create the Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Endpoint (DCE) in same region as Azure LogAnalytics Workspace
  7. create the Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Rules (DCR) in same region as Azure LogAnalytics Workspace
  8. create Azure Data Collection Endpoint (DCE) in same region as Azure LogAnalytics Workspace
  9. delegate permissions for Azure App on LogAnalytics workspace - see section Security for more info
  10. delegate permissions for Azure App on Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Rules (DCR)
  11. delegate permissions for Azure App on Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Endpoints (DCE)
  12. deployment of Azure Workbooks
  13. deployment of Azure Dashboards

ClientInspector is free to the community - built to be a cool showcase of how you can bring back data from your clients using Azure Log Ingestion Pipeline, Azure Data Collection Rules, Azure LogAnalytics; view them with Azure Monitor & Azure Dashboards - and get "drift-alerts" using Microsoft Sentinel.



If you want to deploy a demo environment, you can click here

You can see details on how to configure the deployment here

Video 7m 25s - Deployment via ClientInspector DeploymentKit

Workbooks & Dashboards, part of deployment

Click here to see the included workbooks

Click here to see the included dashboards


Click here to see the security configured as part of deployment with 1 Azure app

Click here to see the security separate with 2 Azure app's

Introduction to ClientInspector


Are you in control? - or are some of your core infrastructure processes like patching, antivirus, bitlocker enablement drifting? Or would you like to do advanced inventory, where you can lookup your warranty state against Lenovo or Dell warranty, then keep reading.

Check out ClientInspector, which can help you get great insight to your complete client environment.

ClientInspector is free to the community - built to be a cool showcase of how you can bring back data from your clients using Azure Log Ingestion Pipeline, Azure Data Collection Rules, Azure LogAnalytics; view them with Azure Monitor & Azure Dashboards - and get "drift-alerts" using Microsoft Sentinel.

Video 3m 01s - Dashboards

How to get deploy a ClientInspectorV2 demo-environment

Video 7m 25s - Deployment of demo environment via ClientInspector DeploymentKit

If you want to deploy a demo environment, please download and modify the file Deployment-DemoEnvironment.ps1 (right-click and choose 'save link as'). Just fill out Azure SubscriptionId and Azure TenantId - and you will get a complete environment with this configuration.

You will have the option to control the demo number using the $UseRandomNumber = $true/false. If you choose $true the number will randomize, so it is easy to re-run multiple times.

Parameter Configuration
AzureAppName Demo1 - Automation - Log-Ingestion
AzAppSecretName Secret used for Log-Ingestion
LogAnalyticsResourceGroup rg-logworkspaces-demo1
LoganalyticsWorkspaceName log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
LoganalyticsLocation westeurope
AzDceName dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
AzDceResourceGroup rg-dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
AzDcrResourceGroup rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
AzDcrPrefix clt
TemplateCategory Demo IT Operation Security Templates
WorkbookDashboardResourceGroup rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo1

How to deploy your production setup

  1. Download Deployment.ps1 (right-click and choose 'save link as')
  2. Open the file Deployment.ps1 in your favorite editor
  3. Change the variables to your needs
# Variables

# Azure App
$AzureAppName                    = "<put in name for your Azure App used for log ingestion>" # sample - "xxxx - Automation - Log-Ingestion"
$AzAppSecretName                 = "Secret used for Log-Ingestion"  # sample showed - use any text to show purpose of secret on Azure app

# Azure Active Directory (AAD)
$TenantId                        = "<put in your Azure AD TenantId>"

# Azure LogAnalytics
$LogAnalyticsSubscription        = "<put in the SubId of where to place environment>"
$LogAnalyticsResourceGroup       = "<put in RG name for LogAnalytics workspace>" # sample: "rg-logworkspaces-p"
$LoganalyticsWorkspaceName       = "<put in name of LogAnalytics workspace>" # sample: "log-platform-management-client-p"
$LoganalyticsLocation            = "<put in desired region>" # sample: westeurope

# Azure Data Collection Endpoint
$AzDceName                       = "<put in naming convention for Azure DCE>" # sample: "dce-" + $LoganalyticsWorkspaceName
$AzDceResourceGroup              = "<put in RG name for Azure DCE>" # sample: "rg-dce-" + $LoganalyticsWorkspaceName

# Azure Data Collection Rules
$AzDcrResourceGroup              = "<put in RG name for Azure DCRs>" # sample: "rg-dcr-" + $LoganalyticsWorkspaceName
$AzDcrPrefixClient               = "<put in prefix for easier sorting/searching of DCRs>" # sample: "clt" (short for client)

# Azure Workbooks & Dashboards
$TemplateCategory                = "<put in name for Azure Workbook Templates name>" # sample: "CompanyX IT Operation Security Templates"
$WorkbookDashboardResourceGroup  = "<put in RG name where workbooks/dashboards will be deployed>" # sample: "rg-dashboards-workbooks"
  1. Verify that you have the required Powershell modules installed. Otherwise you can do this with these commands.
Module Install cmdlet
Az Install-module Az -Scope CurrentUser
Microsoft.Graph Install-module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
Az.Portal Install-module Az.portal -Scope CurrentUser
  1. Start the deployment. You will be required to login to Azure and Microsoft Graph with an account with Contributor permissions on the Azure subscription

  2. When deployment is completed, you can cut/paste the variables on the screen - and copy it to your favorite editor

    NOTE: You need to adjust the line-separate issue for parameter $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId

$LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId            = 

must bc changed to one-liner

$LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId            = "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces-client/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-p" 
  1. Insert the lines in the ClientInspector.ps1 file in this section

<# ----- onboarding lines ----- BEGIN #>

<#  ----- onboading lines -----  END  #>



<# ----- onboarding lines ----- BEGIN #>

    $TenantId                                   = "xxxxxx" 
    $LogIngestAppId                             = "xxxxxx" 
    $LogIngestAppSecret                         = "xxxxx" 

    $DceName                                    = "dce-log-platform-management-client-eu01-p" 
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId            = "/subscriptions/6ab28656-d943-439a-9079-4fd3ac3062a1/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces-p/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-eu01-p" 

    $AzDcrPrefix                                = "clt" 
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId     = "xxxx" 
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine    = @()
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine          = $true

<#  ----- onboading lines -----  END  #>

  1. You are now done with the initial setup of the infrastructure for ClientInspector.

Potential deployment issues (Azure AD replication latency)

Due to latency in Azure tenant replication, the steps with delegation sometimes do not complete on the initial run. To mitigate this, the script will pause for 1 min - hopefully Azure AD will replicate by that time.

If it is not working, wait 10-15 min - and re-run the script, if needed - and it will fix any missing things. NOTE: Before doing that, grap the secret from the screen - as it will not be seen afterwards.

Sample output of deployment

Validating Azure context is subscription [ fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3 ]

Switching Azure context to subscription [ fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3 ]

Validating Azure resource group exist [ rg-logworkspaces-client ]

Creating Azure resource group [ rg-logworkspaces-client ]

ResourceGroupName : rg-logworkspaces-client
Location          : westeurope
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags              : 
TagsTable         : 
ResourceId        : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces-client
ManagedBy         : 

Validating Azure LogAnalytics workspace exist [ log-platform-management-client-p ]

Creating LogAnalytics workspace [ log-platform-management-client-p ] in rg-logworkspaces-client

Name                            : log-platform-management-client-p
ResourceId                      : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-xxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces-client/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-p
ResourceGroupName               : rg-logworkspaces-client
Location                        : westeurope
Tags                            : {}
Sku                             : PerGB2018
CapacityReservationLevel        : 
LastSkuUpdate                   : 03/11/2023 09:56:16
retentionInDays                 : 30
CustomerId                      : 7b13d785-9ed1-45f6-bcd1-fda3c878a376
ProvisioningState               : Succeeded
PublicNetworkAccessForIngestion : Enabled
PublicNetworkAccessForQuery     : Enabled
PrivateLinkScopedResources      : 
WorkspaceCapping                : Microsoft.Azure.Management.OperationalInsights.Models.WorkspaceCapping
CreatedDate                     : 03/11/2023 09:56:16
ModifiedDate                    : 03/11/2023 09:56:16
ForceCmkForQuery                : 
WorkspaceFeatures               : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.OperationalInsights.Models.PSWorkspaceFeatures

Validating Azure App [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ]

Creating Azure App [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ]

Validating Azure Service Principal on App [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ]

Creating Azure Service Principal on App [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ]

Validating Azure Secret on App [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ]

Creating Azure Secret on App [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ]

Secret with name [ Secret used for Log-Ingestion ] created on app [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ]
<secret removed>

AppId for app [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ] is

Validating Azure resource group exist [ rg-dce-log-platform-management-client-p ]

Creating Azure resource group [ rg-dce-log-platform-management-client-p ]

ResourceGroupName : rg-dce-log-platform-management-client-p
Location          : westeurope
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags              : 
TagsTable         : 
ResourceId        : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-xxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dce-log-platform-management-client-p
ManagedBy         : 

Validating Azure resource group exist [ rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-p ]

ResourceGroupName : rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-p
Location          : westeurope
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags              : 
TagsTable         : 
ResourceId        : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fbxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-p
ManagedBy         : 

Validating Azure Data Collection Endpoint exist [ dce-log-platform-management-client-p ]

Creating/updating DCE [ dce-log-platform-management-client-p ]

Content           : {"properties":{"description":"DCE for LogIngest to LogAnalytics log-platform-management-client-p","immutableId":"dce-3
ParsedHtml        : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
Forms             : {}
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                    s log-platform-management-client-p","immutableId":"dce-304a65e571184462bda32d447a3c1a28","configurationAccess":{"endpo
                    inkit.net","lastModifiedByType":"User","lastModifiedAt":"2023-03-11T09:56:58.468861Z"}}; outerHTML=<HTML><HEAD></HEAD>
                    <BODY>{"properties":{"description":"DCE for LogIngest to LogAnalytics log-platform-management-client-p","immutableId":
                    edAt":"2023-03-11T09:56:58.468861Z"}}</BODY></HTML>; outerText={"properties":{"description":"DCE for LogIngest to LogA
                    nalytics log-platform-management-client-p","immutableId":"dce-304a65e571184462bda32d447a3c1a28","configurationAccess":
                    "mok@2linkit.net","lastModifiedByType":"User","lastModifiedAt":"2023-03-11T09:56:58.468861Z"}}; tagName=HTML}, @{inner
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                    yType":"User","lastModifiedAt":"2023-03-11T09:56:58.468861Z"}}; innerText={"properties":{"description":"DCE for LogIng
                    est to LogAnalytics log-platform-management-client-p","immutableId":"dce-304a65e571184462bda32d447a3c1a28","configurat
                    odifiedBy":"mok@2linkit.net","lastModifiedByType":"User","lastModifiedAt":"2023-03-11T09:56:58.468861Z"}}; outerHTML=
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                    s log-platform-management-client-p","immutableId":"dce-304a65e571184462bda32d447a3c1a28","configurationAccess":{"endpo
                    inkit.net","lastModifiedByType":"User","lastModifiedAt":"2023-03-11T09:56:58.468861Z"}}; tagName=BODY}}
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                    Context, appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3]...}

Sleeping 1 min to let Azure AD replication, before doing delegation

Setting Contributor permissions for app [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ] on Loganalytics workspace [ log-platform-management-cl
ient-p ]

Setting Contributor permissions for app [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ] on RG [ rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-p ]

Setting Monitoring Metrics Publisher permissions for app [ CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion ] on RG [ rg-dcr-log-platform-managemen
t-client-p ]

Setting Reader permissions for app [ dce-log-platform-management-client-p ] on RG [ rg-dce-log-platform-management-client-p ]
Building list Azure workbooks to deploy

Validating Azure resource group exist [ rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo ]

Creating Azure resource group [ rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo ]

ResourceGroupName : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
Location          : westeurope
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags              : 
TagsTable         : 
ResourceId        : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-9xxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
ManagedBy         : 

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ ANTIVIRUS SECURITY CENTER - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ ANTIVIRUS SECURITY CENTER - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ ANTIVIRUS SECURITY CENTER - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:58:15 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:58:16 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment31301'
VERBOSE: 10:58:16 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:58:21 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'ANTIVIRUS SECURITY CENTER - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeed

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment31301
CorrelationId           : 9346dfaa-332f-4f16-b1d8-8424d5fd7b84
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:58:19
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      ANTIVIRUS SECURITY CENTER - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      9af1b0c9-12fa-4bc4-b6d3-dc8bac88e729
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "ANTIVIRUS SECURITY CENTER - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "9af1b0c9-12fa-4bc4-b6d3-dc8bac88e729"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:58:22 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:58:22 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment37382'
VERBOSE: 10:58:22 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:58:27 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment37382
CorrelationId           : 84d731b1-9a72-44ba-a832-f17bdbc140a4
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:58:25
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      d1c5a2db-4be1-4b64-96ef-5d388c43556a
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "d1c5a2db-4be1-4b64-96ef-5d388c43556a"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ BITLOCKER - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ BITLOCKER - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ BITLOCKER - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:58:29 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:58:29 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment37905'
VERBOSE: 10:58:29 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:58:34 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'BITLOCKER - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment37905
CorrelationId           : 7a68a4e8-4aaa-48c6-bed1-b58c53ab3d69
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:58:31
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      BITLOCKER - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      cc803d4a-8815-4d1c-b739-c9967617bad5
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "BITLOCKER - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "cc803d4a-8815-4d1c-b739-c9967617bad5"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ DEFENDER AV - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ DEFENDER AV - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ DEFENDER AV - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:58:35 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:58:36 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment19884'
VERBOSE: 10:58:36 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:58:41 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'DEFENDER AV - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment19884
CorrelationId           : d372b732-1ac8-49b6-9d44-9fca678d1fd7
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:58:38
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      DEFENDER AV - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      537c5d6c-a4d9-4138-881f-341db79f00ae
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "DEFENDER AV - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "537c5d6c-a4d9-4138-881f-341db79f00ae"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ GROUP POLICY REFRESH - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ GROUP POLICY REFRESH - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ GROUP POLICY REFRESH - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:58:41 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:58:42 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment6794'
VERBOSE: 10:58:42 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:58:47 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'GROUP POLICY REFRESH - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment6794
CorrelationId           : d9188dcf-c5b3-4ebe-8107-3291775cb736
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:58:45
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      GROUP POLICY REFRESH - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      992a0767-ca48-4253-95cf-63022b734b96
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "GROUP POLICY REFRESH - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "992a0767-ca48-4253-95cf-63022b734b96"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ INVENTORY - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ INVENTORY - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ INVENTORY - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:58:48 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:58:48 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment68655'
VERBOSE: 10:58:48 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:58:53 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'INVENTORY - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment68655
CorrelationId           : a872ad1b-85eb-4ccc-a538-d6ceb8216eb0
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:58:50
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      INVENTORY - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      17d51514-1846-4fec-8cf1-39a24bb1a8d4
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "INVENTORY - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "17d51514-1846-4fec-8cf1-39a24bb1a8d4"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ INVENTORY COLLECTION ISSUES - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ INVENTORY COLLECTION ISSUES - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ INVENTORY COLLECTION ISSUES - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:58:54 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:58:54 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment42415'
VERBOSE: 10:58:54 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:58:59 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'INVENTORY COLLECTION ISSUES - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succe

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment42415
CorrelationId           : d7466d25-8c1d-45bf-bb5d-25e3171dcec5
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:58:57
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      INVENTORY COLLECTION ISSUES - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      5cb4403e-f3d2-4711-9a69-9747fd94dc5b
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "INVENTORY COLLECTION ISSUES - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "5cb4403e-f3d2-4711-9a69-9747fd94dc5b"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ LAPS - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ LAPS - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ LAPS - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:59:00 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:59:01 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment88500'
VERBOSE: 10:59:01 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:59:06 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'LAPS - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment88500
CorrelationId           : f6c75626-d8b3-4ba2-ab22-f22156b05e42
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:59:03
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      LAPS - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      22838ebd-8c52-41de-b495-87cc9230c282
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "LAPS - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "22838ebd-8c52-41de-b495-87cc9230c282"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ LOCAL ADMINS - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ LOCAL ADMINS - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ LOCAL ADMINS - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:59:07 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:59:07 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment22890'
VERBOSE: 10:59:07 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:59:12 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'LOCAL ADMINS - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment22890
CorrelationId           : 369ffb96-a6fe-4c69-9719-94c0c2238b2f
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:59:10
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      LOCAL ADMINS - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      b3337012-27c9-4901-ac2e-d09d94b5adf2
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "LOCAL ADMINS - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "b3337012-27c9-4901-ac2e-d09d94b5adf2"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ NETWORK INFORMATION - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ NETWORK INFORMATION - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ NETWORK INFORMATION - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:59:13 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:59:13 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment12479'
VERBOSE: 10:59:13 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:59:18 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'NETWORK INFORMATION - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment12479
CorrelationId           : 4601724d-7fe8-45f5-a4a8-39299d2abe53
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:59:16
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      NETWORK INFORMATION - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      1fbc5236-e368-4aae-9465-08ce8afecfbd
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "NETWORK INFORMATION - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "1fbc5236-e368-4aae-9465-08ce8afecfbd"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ OFFICE - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ OFFICE - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ OFFICE - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:59:19 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:59:20 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment27643'
VERBOSE: 10:59:20 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:59:25 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'OFFICE - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment27643
CorrelationId           : 4771722a-6fdd-462d-904b-6675a558bf9d
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:59:22
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      OFFICE - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      af40c550-8dd3-4da5-bd61-d41ad4e237ff
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "OFFICE - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "af40c550-8dd3-4da5-bd61-d41ad4e237ff"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWNS - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWNS - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWNS - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:59:26 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:59:26 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment3361'
VERBOSE: 10:59:26 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:59:31 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWNS - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment3361
CorrelationId           : 020ff7fd-7b44-4f55-ab13-2d6d27962224
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:59:28
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWNS - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      cf5c8933-83a5-4e46-9576-e94765136baa
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWNS - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "cf5c8933-83a5-4e46-9576-e94765136baa"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ WINDOWS FIREWALL - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ WINDOWS FIREWALL - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ WINDOWS FIREWALL - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:59:32 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:59:32 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment12329'
VERBOSE: 10:59:32 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:59:38 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'WINDOWS FIREWALL - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment12329
CorrelationId           : 62b58e1b-9d59-4556-9bad-41ff203a8baf
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:59:35
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      WINDOWS FIREWALL - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      e4f46179-360b-4ceb-927d-85d757ef29e1
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "WINDOWS FIREWALL - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "e4f46179-360b-4ceb-927d-85d757ef29e1"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Deployment of Azure Workbook [ WINDOWS UPDATE - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
   Building temporary ARM template [ WINDOWS UPDATE - CLIENTS - V2.txt ] in C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp folder
   Starting deployment of workbook [ WINDOWS UPDATE - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Creating Deployment" on target "rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo".
VERBOSE: 10:59:38 - Template is valid.
VERBOSE: 10:59:39 - Create template deployment 'ArmDeployment7396'
VERBOSE: 10:59:39 - Checking deployment status in 5 seconds
VERBOSE: 10:59:44 - Resource microsoft.insights/workbooktemplates 'WINDOWS UPDATE - CLIENTS - V2' provisioning status is succeeded

ResourceGroupName       : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
OnErrorDeployment       : 
DeploymentName          : ArmDeployment7396
CorrelationId           : 1b7615e5-ddc8-42ae-be74-2b020bac0219
ProvisioningState       : Succeeded
Timestamp               : 11-03-2023 09:59:41
Mode                    : Incremental
TemplateLink            : 
TemplateLinkString      : 
DeploymentDebugLogLevel : 
Parameters              : {[workbookDisplayName, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      WINDOWS UPDATE - CLIENTS - V2
                          ], [workbookType, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      workbook  
                          ], [workbookSourceId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      Azure Monitor
                          ], [workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      9827e5e4-a754-4aac-8b39-2eee0876761d
Tags                    : 
ParametersString        : 
                          Name                   Type                       Value     
                          =====================  =========================  ==========
                          workbookDisplayName    String                     "WINDOWS UPDATE - CLIENTS - V2"
                          workbookType           String                     "workbook"
                          workbookSourceId       String                     "Azure Monitor"
                          workbookId             String                     "9827e5e4-a754-4aac-8b39-2eee0876761d"
Outputs                 : {[workbookId, 
                          Type        Value     
                          ----------  ----------
                          String      /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/prov
OutputsString           : 
                          Name             Type                       Value     
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          workbookId       String                     "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/

Building list Azure dashboards to deploy

Validating Azure resource group exist [ rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo ]

ResourceGroupName : rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
Location          : westeurope
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags              : 
TagsTable         : 
ResourceId        : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo
ManagedBy         : 

Deployment of Azure Dashboard [ APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2 ] in progress .... please wait !
   Adjusting ARM template with LogAnalytics workspace information
lense 0
part  0
lense 0
part  1
   Starting deployment of dashboard [ APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2 ] 

Id       : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bfxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-dashboards-workbooks-demo/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dash
Lens     : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Portal.Models.Api201901Preview.DashboardPropertiesLenses
Location : westeurope
Metadata : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Portal.Models.Api201901Preview.DashboardPropertiesMetadata
Tag      : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Portal.Models.Api201901Preview.DashboardTags
Type     : Microsoft.Portal/dashboards

Tenant Id:

LogIngestion Azure App Name:
CompanyName - Automation - Log-Ingestion

LogIngestion Azure App Id:
LogIngestion Azure App Secret:

LogIngestion Azure Service Principal Object Id for app:

Azure LogAnalytics Workspace Resource Id:

Azure Data Collection Endpoint Name:

Azure Data Collection Endpoint Log Ingestion Uri:


Please insert these lines in ClientInspector:

$TenantId                                   = "f0fa27a0-8e7c-4f63-9a77-ec94786b7c9e" 
$LogIngestAppId                             = "8837b5cf-9b6e-46b9-8c53-3d66137c13d9" 
$LogIngestAppSecret                         = "<<<removed>>>" 

$DceName                                    = "dce-log-platform-management-client-p" 
$LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId            = 

$AzDcrPrefix                                = "clt" 
$AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
$AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId     = "5a1cba73-26f3-4267-9078-259ee35e0bc4" 
$AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine    = @()
$AzDcrDceTableCreateFromAnyMachine          = $true

Azure Workbooks, part of deployment

Workbook Name Purpose
ANTIVIRUS SECURITY CENTER - CLIENTS - V2 Antivirus Security Center from Windows - default antivirus, state, configuration
APPLICATIONS - CLIENTS - V2 Installed applications, both using WMI and registry
BITLOCKER - CLIENTS - V2 Bitlocker & TPM configuration
DEFENDER AV - CLIENTS - V2 Microsoft Defender Antivirus settings including ASR, exclusions, realtime protection, etc
GROUP POLICY REFRESH - CLIENTS - V2 Group Policy - last refresh
INVENTORY - CLIENTS - V2 Computer information - bios, processor, hardware info, Windows OS info, OS information, last restart, vpn
INVENTORY COLLECTION ISSUES - CLIENTS - V2 Collection issues related to WMI
LAPS - CLIENTS - V2 LAPS - version
LOCAL ADMINS - CLIENTS - V2 Local administrators group membership
NETWORK INFORMATION - CLIENTS - V2 Network adapters, IP configuration
UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWNS - CLIENTS - V2 Events from eventlog looking for specific events including logon events, blue screens, etc.
WINDOWS FIREWALL - CLIENTS - V2 Windows firewall - settings for all 3 modes
WINDOWS UPDATE - CLIENTS - V2 Windows Update - last result (when), windows update source information (where), pending updates, last installations (what)

Azure Dashboards, part of deployment

Dashboards Name Purpose


Code signing

Both the ClientInspector.ps1-file and the AzLogDcrIngestPS module (AzLogDcrIngest.psm1) are signed with my code signing certificate (2LINKIT - my company). This way you can run it, if you require scripts to be signed. Of course you can also choose to sign it with your own internal code signing certificate.


Please download the public key certificate and put it into your 'trusted publisher' container to trust the publisher (2LINKIT - my company). You can deploy this using Intune or Group Policy.

Trusted Publisher
Trusted Publisher
Trusted Publisher

Intune deployment doesn't require trusted publisher to be in place

By default Intune will do a BYPASS when running a remediation scripts.

Azure RBAC

For simplicity, the deployment will configure the created Azure app with RBAC permissions to both do log ingestion and table/DCR management.

Target Delegation To Azure RBAC Permission Comment
Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Rules Azure app used for log ingestion Monitoring Publisher Metrics used to send in data
Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Endpoint Azure app used for log ingestion Reader needed to retrieve information about DCE - used as part of uploading data
Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Rules Azure app used for log ingestion Contributor needed to send in data
Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Endpoint Azure app used for log ingestion Contributor needed to create/update DCEs (if needed after deployment)
Azure LogAnalytics Workspace Azure app used for log ingestion Contributor needed to create/update Azure LogAnaltyics custom log tables

If you want to separate permissions from log ingestion and create/update table/DCR management, you can do this by creating a separate Azure app used for table/DCR management (fx. xxxx - Automation - Log Ingest Management). Click here to see the security separate with 2 Azure app's

Azure RBAC Security adjustment, separation of permissions between log ingestion and table/DCR management

If you want to separate the log ingestion process with the table management process, you can do this by having one more Azure app, which is used for table/dcr/schema management.

You need to adjust permissions according to these settings:

Target Delegation To Azure RBAC Permission Comment
Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Rules Azure app used for log ingestion Monitoring Publisher Metrics used to send in data
Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Endpoint Azure app used for log ingestion Reader

When you run this script, it will configure the log ingestion account with Contributor permissions, if you run with default config. This configuration must be adjusted, so the logestion app will only need Reader permissions.
needed to retrieve information about DCE - used as part of uploading data
Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Rules Azure app used for table/DCR management Contributor needed to send in data
Azure Resource Group for Azure Data Collection Endpoint Azure app used for table/DCR management Contributor needed to create/update DCEs and also needed to create/update an DCR with referrences to a DCE
Azure LogAnalytics Workspace Azure app used for table/DCR management Contributor needed to create/update Azure LogAnaltyics custom log tables