The following scripts automate the most tedious tasks when reducing data with the MUSE pipeline. We assume that the data has been downloaded from the ESO archive with the processed calibrations. All data that are downloaded for one object are assumed to be stored in a single folders, which are conveniently named after the objects. The scripts provided here are then assumed to live in the folder that contain these object folders.
If you find these scripts useful for your research, please acknowledge their use in a suitable manner (e.g., with a footnote containing an URL to this repository) in your publications.
Here I only provide some basic information regarding the reduction procedures and how the scripts are used for the reduction. A detailed description of those processes can be found in:
- Weilbacher et al. 2020, A&A 641, A28 –
- The MUSE Manual (ESO-261650) –
- The MUSE Data Reduction Manual (Urrutia, Streicher, Weilbacher, and Sandin) –
- bash (version used here: v4.2.46; should work with any version)
- python3 (version used here: 3.10.6)
- astropy (version used here: 5.1)
The basic science reduction removes instrumental signatures from the data (bias, flat-field, dark, and wavelength calibration). While the required master calibration data for this purposes could be created by us with the pipeline as well, we here use the master calibration data already provided by ESO.
For each object several exposures are taken, sometimes spread over
different nights. We have to associate the correct master
calibration data for each exposure, namely those for which the
calibration data was taken closest in time to the actual object
exposure. This is especially of relevance for the illumination
correction frames. The python script
below takes care of this.
Usage example:
for dirname in ./J0519+0007/*_basic_*
if [ -d ${dirname} ]; then
echo $dirname
python ./ ./J0519+0007/ $dirname/
The output of this script are sof-files for each science exposure in the object folder.
The script
calls esorex
with the
recipe for each of the sof-files created in the
previous step. For 8 object exposures this takes about 30 minutes
on my MUSE reduction machine. We use the recipe parameters
, which parallelises the operation over all detectors,
, which combines individual files into single files
(where possible), and --resample=true
, which creates wavelength
calibrated resampled fits images for each detector to allow for a
quick visual check of the result.
Example usage: ./J0057-0941/ # (replace J0057-0941 with the name of the object)
Equipped with the output from the basic reduction, we can now perform the post-processing that ultimately leads to science ready data-cuboids (modulo sky-subtraction \& other possible artefacts, TBD).
The bash script
collates the output from
and associates the correct calibration files for
each exposure to create the sof-files for muse_scipost
. The
required calibration files are the standard star exposure, telluric
star exposure, LSF profile determination, and astrometric solution.
We use the files downloaded as processed master-calibrations from
the ESO archive (use the calSelector service accordingly when
downloading MUSE raw-data from the ESO archive).
As with muse_scibasic
, we use calibration data that is closest in
time to the actual science exposure. These associations are
created by the python-script
, which is
called by
. Normally, no direct
interaction by the user with
is needed.
Usage example:
./ ./J0057-0941/
With the sof-files from the previous step we can now run
on the output of muse_scibasic
for each object.
This is done with the following script
. We
save the individual cubes and pixeltables for each object exposure,
as well as the output from the sky subtraction routine (which we
want to modify below). All this is done with the script
Usage example
./ ./J0057-0941/
The initial solution of the astrometry that is applied to each
individual exposure is anchored on the catalogued position of the
guide star and the known offset between the guide star and the
centre of the MUSE field of view. Since the positional accuracy of
the guide star catalogue (GSC2.3) is not good enough, we have to
properly align the individual exposures prior to any attempt of
combining them into a exposure stacked datacube. This is achieved
with the pipeline task muse_exp_align
The script
automates the process
of finding all the required input files for the sof-file and then
running the task. The list of files for the sof-file is displayed
to the user prior to the execution of the muse_exp_align
Normally this script should be called via
./ ./obj_name/
, but sometimes the default
threshold for finding objects on which the alignment is
triangulated needs to be adjusted to find more objects. In this
case pass the different threshold value as follows to the script:
./ ./obj_name/ --threshold=THRESH
(replace THRESH
with the desired threshold value).
Inspect the resulting PREVIEW_FOV_0001.fits
file to check that
the computed final alignment of all exposures relative to each
other is good (i.e. no mirror images of stars, no elongated stars,
Usage example:
./ ./obj_name/ # ... or
./ ./obj_name/ --threshold=THRESH # to adjust exp_align threshold
The resulting output files from muse_exp_align
can be found in
the directory ./obj_name_reduced/
After all above steps have been completed, the final step is to
resample all pixtables onto a common grid (aka “datacube”). This
is achieved by the pipeline recipe muse_exp_combine
, and with the
script ./
we automate the
creation of the sof-files and the subsequent call of the
recipe. For an object consisting of 8 science
exposures this procedure takes about 90 minutes on my MUSE
reduction machine.
Usage example
./ ./obj_name/
The combined output is than found in the folder ./obj_name_reduced/
Task | Scripts | Wall Time |
muse_scibasic | ./ ./obj_name/ | |
./ ./obj_name/ | 30 min | |
muse_scipost | ./ ./obj_name/ | |
./ ./obj_name/ | 60 min | |
muse_exp_align | ./ ./obj_name/ | 5 min |
note: one can adjust the threshold (see above) | ||
muse_exp_combine | ./ ./obj_name/ | 90 min |
Running times are what typically got for the MUSE reduction server at Leiden Observatory for objects with 8 exposures.
- bash script:
, ./object_dir/
- append
from first run to scipost sof files - notes
- this requires that the initial reduction has been inspected
visually to ensure that the offsets determined by
are reasonable
- this requires that the initial reduction has been inspected
visually to ensure that the offsets determined by
- store these in
- append
- bash script
- usage: $directory
- usage example: ./J1044+0353/
- uses
as default - out files:
- links files of individual cubes to
directory (filename glob-pattern*_scipost_2_*
- usage:
- python script
- usage ${object_dir}_reduced
- usage example -d J1044+0353_reduced
- out files:
- for cubes with few exposures, better to use MAD statistics, i.e. use the script with
- usage
- python script
- usage: ${cube_file}
- example usage: ./J1044+0353_reduced/DATACUBE_scipost_2_mpdaf_cmbd.fits
- creates the following bands: “Johnson_V”, “Cousins_R”, “Cousins_I”, “SDSS_g”, “SDSS_r”, “SDSS_i”, “SDSS_z”, “PS1_g”, “PS1_r”, “PS1_i”, “PS1_z”
- band images are appended to HDUList of input FITS file
- usage:
- python script
→ creates continuum image; usage -h
.- example usage: -i ./J1044+0353_reduced/DATACUBE_scipost_2_mpdaf_cmbd.fits -l 1150 1400 1830 1990
- example usage:
- note: requires working LSDCat installation
- python script
→ creates sky mask from continuum image; usage -h
- example usage: -i cont_im_DATACUBE_scipost_2_mpdaf_cmbd.fits
(default parameter should be fine in most cases)
- example usage:
- script:
, ./object_dir/
- appends
to second run scipost sof files - stores these in
- appends
- example usage: ./J1044+0353/
- script
- uses
as default, and--save=cube,individual,skymodel
- links files of individual cubes to
directory (filename glob-pattern*_scipost_3_*
- uses
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
- can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
- this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. E.C. Herenz (2023,2024)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------