Place Any Object You Want With Item, Without Restarting The Server Or The Scripts. And no DB required


  • Place Any Object With Items Without Restarting The Scripts
  • Data Saved Without DB
  • 0.0 Resmon When Idle / 0.2 While Placing Items
  • Only Player Who Place The Objects or Admin Can Remove The Objects


  • ox_lib


Feel free to ask me on discord if you have anny issues https://discord.gg/yutgVjUJr6

PR is always open

How to use

  • Open file server/items.lua
  • Register Useable Items With Your Framework And Call This Function
TriggerClientEvent('uus_object:client:placeObject', source, propName, itemName)

Example Using QBX

App Screenshot


Big thanks to Joe Szymkowicz who have allowed the use of their code in Gunrack Scripts