GWU Data Science - Deep Learning - Group 10


Describe the project


  1. I run the commands in project_instance_config.txt to update my environment and to download/unzip data files.
    • Updates environment (cuda drivers, tensorflow-gpu, keras)
    • Unzip images and metadata to local machine
  2. Change Code/ to reflect locations of unzipped files. Though it is probably easier to unzip to match file structure as observed in Code/



This can be skipped if you have Code/df_images_all.csv, Code/df_sequences_all.csv, and Code/df_sequences_missing_labels_completed.csv.

  1. Code/ creates csv of sequences and images with their labels
    • this gets labels for sequences that have labels.
    • this also gets a list of all images by its sequence.
  2. Code/ this was used to aid our manual tagging effort
    • i used this to create a csv of the peak image for sequences that did not have labels.
    • moves all peak images for untagged sequences into one folder
    • creates a csv that can be manually updated with assigned tag for sequence
    • i manually tagged peak images for 266 sequences.


  1. Code/ creates csv for the training and testing sets
    • this gets the csv of sequences (with tags).
    • assigns the tag for the peak image to all images in the sequence.
    • i use images that are close to the peak image.
    • the number/percentage of nearby images is configurable.
  2. Code/ trains neural network
    • uses keras imagedatagenerator.flow_from_dataframe for pipeline
    • When image filenames are read from dataframes, you will need to update filenames to match your file structure (as discussed above).