draft website (SKOS frontend)

Website to browse Linked Data vocabularies (HTML, JQuery) for SKOS/RDF thesauri as an implementation of the GBA vocabularies. This website provides a semantic navigation, view and search of SKOS concepts. It is a draft to relaunch the official GBA Thesaurus website (https://resource.geolba.ac.at) in 2019.


  • This project is not ready to deploy by installation packages!
  • hardcoded urls for the details site or endpoints for Sparql queries
  • adapted to the GBA Thesaurus vocabularies
  • Javascript coding to be revised (conventions, best practices)!

Built With


  • Martin Schiegl - Initial work
  • Mira Janata - reengineering


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details