

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the Python implementation of the reachability-based decision module for autonomous road vehicles presented in the paper Real-Time Capable Decision Making for Autonomous Driving Using Reachable Sets.


We recommend to create a Anaconda environment for running the code:

conda create --name motionPlanner python=3.8

conda activate motionPlanner

The required python packages can be installed with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, the motion planner can be executed by running the main file:

python3 main.py "ZAM_Zip-1_19_T-1.xml" "Optimization"

where the input arguments are the name of the CommonRoad scenario that should be solved and the name of the motion planner that is used ("Automaton" or "Optimization"). Vehicle parameters like for example length, width, and maximum acceleration can be specified in the file /vehicle/vehicleParameter.py.

Interface to CommonRoad

Our motion planners require the traffic scenarios that should be solved to be represented in the CommonRoad format. Please note that many other common data formats used for autonomous driving such as OpenStreetMap, OpenDRIVE, and SUMO can be automatically converted to CommonRoad format using the CommonRoad Scenario Designer. In this repository we provide 100 exemplary CommonRoad traffic scenarios in the directory /scenarios. Many additional scenarios are available on the CommonRoad website. Please note that our implementation currently does not support interactive scenarios. The 2000 scenarios we used for the numerical evaluation in our paper are provided in our CodeOcean repeatability package under /data/scenarios.zip.

Interface to CARLA

The repository also provides an interface for running our motion planners in the CARLA simulator. For this, first install and start the CARLA simulator (we tested our code with CARLA version 0.9.13) on your computer. After the simulator is running, simply execute the file mainCARLA.py from our repository:

python3 mainCARLA.py

The script will plan a route from a randomly selected start point to a randomly selected destination on the map. The task of the motion planner is then to follow this route. Currently, we support CARLA maps Town01 and Town03.

Interface to AROC

The "Automaton" motion planner we provide in this repository uses a maneuver automaton that we constructed using the MATLAB toolbox AROC. To create a maneuver automaton for a different vehicle type (with different length, width, wheelbase, etc.) install the AROC toolbox and execute the script maneuverAutomaton/AROC/createManeuverAutomaton.m from our repository in MATLAB. Since the maneuver automaton is quite large and MATLAB does not clear the memory in-between, your computer may run out of memory during the computation. We therefore recommend to use the script maneuverAutomaton/AROC/runScript.sh instead, which periodically restarts MATLAB to avoid this issue. Our code also supports loading custom maneuver automata created with AROC. For this, simply replace the file maneuverAutomaton/AROC/automaton.zip in the repository with your exported custom maneuver automaton you created with AROC.