
LaTeX package to interface with state-machine-cat (npm)

Primary LanguageTeX


LaTeX package to interface with state-machine-cat (npm)

Source : https://github.com/Kochise/latex-smcat


Get 'nvm' for Windows : https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases
Uncompress/install it where you need.

\>cd nvm
\nvm>nvm install 12.17.0
\nvm>nvm use 12.17.0
\nvm>node -v
\nvm>npm install --global state-machine-cat

xcopy /c /h /e /r /q /y latex-smcat <miktex>\texmfs\install\tex\latex\smcat
start "" "<miktex>\miktex-portable.cmd"

Install version 7.3.0 at minimum because it brings EPS support that is currently superior to SVG.

Refresh the filename database.
Update the package database.
You should be ready to go.

Alternatively, you can use https://github.com/Kochise/win_portable


See https://github.com/sverweij/state-machine-cat

In your preamble :


In your document :

\begin{smcat}[8cm]{smcat caption example}{smcatexample}
doing: entry/ write unit test
       do/ write code
       exit/ ...,
# smcat recognizes initial
# and final states by name
# and renders them appropriately

initial      => "on backlog" : item adds most value;
"on backlog" => doing        : working on it;
doing        => testing      : built & unit tested;
testing      => "on backlog" : test not ok;
testing      => final        : test ok;



What is available through 'smcat' :

% Output the version number
-V, --version

% Output type (svg|eps|ps|ps2|dot|smcat|json|ast|scxml|oldsvg|scjson, default: "svg")
-T, --output-type [type]

% Input type (smcat|json|scxml, default: "smcat")
-I, --input-type [type]

% Rendering engine (dot|circo|fdp|neato|osage|twopi, default: "dot")
-E, --engine [type]

% Rendering direction (top-down|bottom-top|left-right|right-left, default: "top-down")
-d, --direction [dir]

% File to write to. use - for stdout
-o, --output-to [file]

% Graph attributes to pass to the dot render engine
--dot-graph-attrs [string]

% Node attributes to pass to the dot render engine
--dot-node-attrs [string]

% Edge attributes to pass to the dot render engine
--dot-edge-attrs [string]

% Transform forks and joins into transitions (!experimental!)

% Display license and exit
-l, --license

% Output usage information
-h, --help

Cannot be specified on a group basis, only in the preamble.
Just add the requested parameters without the leading/separator dash(es).


or :


Avoid :

o, outputto	: because using the refname
l, license	: because useless
h, help		: because useless
V, version	: because useless, unless debug log


Your imagination.


Based on https://github.com/dakusui/latex-ditaa
Also interested into https://github.com/sile-typesetter/sile