
This is a Decentralized RSVP Planner that have to deposit an amount of tokens to register for an event and get the tokens back if they attend the event

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Decentralised Planner(D-Planner)

  • This is a blockchain event scheduler and RSVP Dapp.

Completed Files

  • smartcontract folder ✅
  • subgraph folder ✅
  • frontend folder ✅

Tools and Protocols Used

  • Polygon Blockchain: (mumbia testnet)
  • TheGraph: (Protocol used for building the subgraph)
  • Languages: (Solidity, Typescript, Javascript)
  • Dev Environment: (Hardhat Toolbox)
  • Code Editor: ( VSCode)
  • Frontend Toolkits (React, Next.js, ethers.js, Rainbowkit, Web3.Storage, and The Graph, Moralis)
  • Tests - Mocha and Chai

Aim of The DAPP

  • The D-Planner web3-native Eventbrite, except attendees need to deposit Matic to RSVP and will get 99% back it back upon them checking in at the event and 1% will go of your deposit will go to the event owner the event owner.


  • After a period of 3 days, if the attendees that checked in at the event did not withdraw thier matic tokens , the owner of the event will withdrwal thier matic tokens

Upcoming Features(Currently working on it)

  • Abilitity to Share resources to your community members

Best Practices Used in the DAPP

  • Used Check-Effect Interaction and Pull-Payment Design Pattern in Writing the SmartContract Code
  • For Efficient Gas Optimization external modifer was used in different function calls
  • eventsID are stored in Bytes32 Datatype instead of uint.