Hi there 👋

iWrite and iCode

I'm Pascal, a Software Engineer from the East side of Nigeria 🇳🇬 with a strong passion for React and the JavaScript ecosystem at large. I love to learn and share as I go, this means I write technical content whenever I can.

🌱 I'm attempting to embrace continuous learning and growth, and I'm currently working to become a better version of myself.

💡 I am always interested in fun projects and activities.

  • 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
  • 💬 You can ask me about Javascript and Technical Writing.
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with understanding the concept of Web3, blockchain, NFT, DAOs
  • âš¡ Fun fact: You can't say "hmmm" with your mouth wide open

📫 How to reach me:

Thanks for dropping by, happy coding! 💻