
javascript-advanced-project-api-Rama-kodehode created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Review Assignment Due Date

API Assignment

We have learned about asynchronous Javascript, and specifically about using promises and async/await to handle asynchronous Javascript. In this assignment you will practice these skills by making a website that uses an API that you can fetch data from. You have the freedom to use any free API you want (click here for a comprehensive list).

But I will require some complexity, such as:

  • An API that has several different endpoints that you use in your project
  • An API with an endpoint that accepts parameters in the url
  • API data that you have to loop over to generate content

Your project should satisfy at least 2 of those. A favorite among earlier students at Kodehode has been to use this API to make a website.

This assignment is a perfect opportunity to create something that will look good on your portfolio, so I highly recommend that you style your project up a bit to look nice.

Most public APIs have nice documentation that show you how to use it, the various endpoints and what parameters they accept. Use the documentation 🤓

PS: Do not use any API that requires you to use a key. (We haven't covered how to hide your API keys safely yet.)