
Kaldiras is a video player for ReactJS. Simple, accessible, and easy to customize.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Kaldiras is a video player for ReactJS. Simple, accessible, and easy to customize.


  • Accessible, full support for VTT captions
  • Customizable, change the color theming easily
  • Fullscreen, supports native fullscreen
  • Shortcut, supports keyboard shortcuts
  • Playsinline, supports the playsinline attribute
  • Playback Speed, adjust playback speed
  • Multiple captions, support for multiple caption tracks
  • Preview thumbnails, support for displaying preview thumbnails

How to install

npm install kaldiras


yarn add kaldiras

How to use

For now, Kaldiras supported video types like mp4, webm, mov, and ogg. You must set the video type on the source property and the quality size of the video.

The other property like subtitles and previews is optional. Just the source property is required.

import "kaldiras/kaldiras.css";
import { Video } from "kaldiras";

const App = () => {
        source: "https://.../480p.mp4",
        type: "video/mp4",
        resolution: "1080"
        label: "English",
        lang: "en",
        source: "https://.../en.vtt",
        default: true
        source: "https://.../5s.png",
        time: "0:05"
    ]} />


Here will be explained the structure that exists in the sources property:

key type description
source string Fill with the video url here.
type video/mp4, video/webm, video/ogg, video/quicktime Set the video format.
resolution 360, 480, 576, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160 Set the video resolution.
default boolean Set the video with what resolution to display by default.


Here will be explained the structure that exists in the subtitles property:

key type description
label string Fill with the caption language
lang string Fill with the caption language id
source string Fill with the caption url here.
default boolean Set the default caption.


This property is used to display a thumbnail preview when highlighting the progress bar. Here will be explained the structure that exists in the previews property:

key type description
source string Fill with the image url here.
time string Fill the time when the thumbnail shows, with a format m:ss.


MIT © Yudha Pratama Wicaksana