Zafeplace SDK is a library for simple working with some crypto currency, such as ethereum and stellar. Using the library, we can generate wallets, take wallet balance for coins and tokens, do transaction for translation coins and tokens, alsp we can take list with smart conract functions and execute any of them.
You need to use functionality of the library using the object of Zafeplace class. It is main class in library, all needed methods you can find here. Object of Zefaplace class is created as singlton and you can use one instance in all project classes. It is created as follows -
Zafeplace zafeplace = Zafeplace.getInstance(this);
In the parameters of the method getInstance we need to set current activity. We can use any method using instance of Zafeplace dot name of method. For example
// example get token balance
zafeplace.getTokenBalance(STELLAR_WALLET, mZafeplace.getWallet(STELLAR_WALLET).getAddress(), new OnGetTokenBalance() {
public void onTokenBalance(List<ResultToken> tokenBalance) {
// take response balance
public void onErrorTokenBalance(Throwable error) {
// handle error
// example generate wallet
zafeplace.generateWallet(ETH_WALLET, new OnWalletGenerateListener(){
public void onSuccessGenerate(String address) {
// take address of new wallet
public void onErrorGenerate(Throwable error) {
// handle error
Here we have two examples for two different methods: methods for taking token balance and method for generating new wallet. We have two different wallet types : etherum and stellar. You have to send in method params needed type of currency like enum. In first example we send into method type of currency, address of our wallet, and callback for taking result, because all methods of library is asynchronous. In second example we generate new etherum wallet we send to method params type of currency and callback for taking result. Also we can login for user authentication and using some methods like creating transactions and generating wallets. You can use fingerprint login and pin code login. For example - pin code login:
zafeplace.pinCodeLogin(String pincode);
fingerprint login:
zafeplace.fingerprintLogin(FingerprintAuthenticationCallback fingerprintAuthenticationCallback);
Name | Description |
getInstance(Activity) | Create instance of class Zafeplace. |
generateWallet(WalletTypes, OnWalletGenerateListener) | Generate wallet for the specified type. |
getWalletBalance(WalletTypes, String, OnGetWalletBalance) | Get balance of wallet for the specified type and address |
createTransaction(WalletTypes, String, String, int, OnGetWalletBalance) | Create transaction for translation coins for specified type, address sender and address recipient |
createTransactionToken(WalletTypes, String, String, double, OnGetWalletBalance) | Create transaction for translation tokens for specified type, address sender and address recipient |
getTokenBalance(WalletTypes, String, OnGetTokenBalance) | Get balance tokens for wallet for specified type and address |
getWalletBalance(WalletTypes, String, OnGetTokenBalance) | Get balance coins for wallet for specified type and address |
getSmartContractTransactionRaw(OnSmartContractRawList) | Get list of smart contracts for ethereum currency |
executeSmartContractMethod(String, String, List, OnExecuteMethodSmartContract) | Execute one of methods from list smart contracts for ethereum currency |
generateAccessToken(String, String, OnAccessTokenListener) | Generate access token for authentication user |
fingerprintLogin(FingerprintAuthenticationCallback) | Method for login user with fingerprint |
pinCodeLogin(String) | Method for login user with pin code |
isLoggedIn() | Method for checking is user is signed in |
getAuthType() | Method for checking type of authentication, fingerprint or pin code |
To use Zafeplace add the plugin to your top-level build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Then add to your module - level build.gradle file next:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.KoderAndrey:Zafeplace:dev-SNAPSHOT'
Next you have to add
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
Also you need to enable multidex in your app. Then you can use all functionality of our lib.