The goal of ttvCollections is to download our highlights! This may turn into a separate package focusing on being a R wrapper for the Twitch API.
- Make sure youtube-dl is installed
- Download from here with
There are three environment variables that are default values to
function parameters. Set in .Renviron with usethis::edit_r_environ()
d <- get_hightlights()
#> # A tibble: 382 x 14
#> id user_id user_name title description created_at published_at url
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ Kyle gets ~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 2 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ Debby goes~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 3 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ Kyle dips ~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 4 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ We really ~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 5 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ Kyle gets ~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 6 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ You alread~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 7 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ We actuall~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 8 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ Kyle leave~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 9 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ Kyle conso~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> 10 8110~ 276992~ KoderKow High~ We see the~ 2020-11-2~ 2020-11-21T~ http~
#> # ... with 372 more rows, and 6 more variables: thumbnail_url <chr>,
#> # viewable <chr>, view_count <int>, language <chr>, type <chr>,
#> # duration <chr>
urls <- d$url
download_video(urls[5], "sample-prefix")
#> i Downloading
#> √ Done!