
Модуль Логирования в БД

Primary LanguagePHP


A database log writer for Kohana 3.

This is a first version which works in Kohana 3.3. In the future there might be a more beautiful rendering of array data and maybe an easier installation. But for now it does its job.


You may add this module manually as a Git submodule to your Kohana project's modules directory or if you're using Composer, add this requirement to your composer.json file:

	"require": {
		"manc/kohana-log-database": "dev-master"

Then add the module in your bootstrap.php – and also make sure the database module is added (and configured). Example:

	'database'   => MODPATH.'database',
	'logdb'      => MODPATH.'kohana-log-database',

Manually add the required table to your database. You will find the structure in the file logs-schema-mysql.sql. Your database must be configured in Kohana with the database module.


By default Kohana's bootstrap.php contains this line:

Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_File(APPPATH.'logs'));

You can remove or comment it out if you no longer need it. To enable the database log writer add the following line after loading the module via Kohana::modules():

Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_Database('logs'));

The parameter of the constructor of class Log_Database represents the table name used for logging.