
👯‍♀️ Cloudflare Worker + iOS shortcut to update AniList with your manga stats.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A Cloudflare Worker for importing manga from Aidoku into Anilist.


These must be defined or the worker will not run. You can create an Anilist application here.

# Application secrets
wrangler secret put ANILIST_APP_ID
wrangler secret put ANILIST_APP_SECRET

# Customizable API key for update request
wrangler secret put API_KEY


  • POST / - Update Anilist using the Aidoku backup in the request body.
  • GET /login - Redirect to Anilist login page.
  • GET /callback - OAuth2 callback to define the user's Anilist account.

iOS Shortcut

You can install the required iOS shortcut using the link below. This will require appropriate configuration.
