
🤖 windows-rs shellcode loaders 🤖

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

🤖 rust-shellcode 🤖

This project provides the underlying support for bypass av of offensive activities.
The available Shellcode loaders include:


This is a rust project, you need install rust first.
Then, you can build with follow command:

cargo build --release

Binarys in target/release

How to use

This project is just a basic demo, you need to choose the right loading method, encrypt the SHELLCODE, download the SHELLCODE from the internet, or use it with ETW patch, unhooking, etc.


SHELLCODE execute locally.

  1. link SHELLCODE to .text section
  2. inline asm using asm! macro
  3. call SHELLCODE


SHELLCODE execute locally.

  1. convert current thread to fiber using ConvertThreadToFiber
  2. alloc memory using VirtualAlloc
  3. copy SHELLCODE to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy
  4. create a fiber using CreateFiber
  5. jump SHELLCODE using SwitchToFiber
  6. jump back


SHELLCODE execute locally.

  1. create a process in CREATE_SUSPENDED state using CreateProcessA
  2. alloc remote memory using VirtualAllocEx
  3. copy SHELLCODE to allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory
  4. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtectEx
  5. get PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION using NtQueryInformationProcess
  6. get PEB using ReadProcessMemory
  7. get IMAGE_DOS_HEADER using ReadProcessMemory
  8. get IMAGE_FILE_HEADER using ReadProcessMemory
  9. determine IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.Machine is x86 or x64
  10. get [IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32|IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64] using ReadProcessMemory
  11. let entrypoint = ImageBaseAddress + [IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32|IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64].AddressOfEntryPoint
  12. write a piece of assembly code to the entrypoint to jump to the SHELLCODE using WriteProcessMemory
  13. resume process's thread using ResumeThread
  14. close opened handle using CloseHandle


SHELLCODE execute remotely.
inject explorer.exe by default.

  1. get pid by process name using crate sysinfo
  2. get handle using OpenProcess
  3. alloc remote memory using VirtualAllocEx
  4. copy SHELLCODE to allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory
  5. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtectEx
  6. execute SHELLCODE using CreateRemoteThread
  7. close opened handle using CloseHandle


SHELLCODE execute remotely.
inject explorer.exe by default.
this is same with create_remote_thread, but without crate windows-sys
using crate libloading get functions from dlls.


SHELLCODE execute locally.

  1. alloc remote memory using VirtualAlloc
  2. copy SHELLCODE to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy
  3. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtect
  4. execute SHELLCODE using CreateThread
  5. waiting thread exit using WaitForSingleObject


SHELLCODE execute locally.
this is same with create_thread, but without crate windows-sys
using crate libloading get functions from dlls.


SHELLCODE execute remotely.
create and inject svchost.exe by default.

  1. create a process using CreateProcessA
  2. alloc remote memory using VirtualAllocEx
  3. copy SHELLCODE to allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory
  4. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtectEx
  5. execute process using QueueUserAPC
  6. resume process's thread using ResumeThread
  7. close opened handle using CloseHandle


SHELLCODE execute locally.

  1. get EtwpCreateEtwThread funtion from ntdll using LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress
  2. alloc remote memory using VirtualAlloc
  3. copy SHELLCODE to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy
  4. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtect
  5. execute SHELLCODE using EtwpCreateEtwThread
  6. waiting thread exit using WaitForSingleObject


SHELLCODE execute locally.

  1. alloc memory using crate memmap2
  2. copy SHELLCODE using copy_from_slice function from MmapMut struct
  3. change memory permission to executable using make_exec funtion from MmapMut struct
  4. convert memory pointer to fn type using transmute
  5. execute fn


SHELLCODE execute remotely.
inject notepad.exe by default.

  1. get pid by process name using crate sysinfo
  2. get handle using OpenProcess
  3. alloc remote memory using VirtualAllocEx
  4. copy dll path to allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory
  5. get LoadLibraryA addr using GetProcAddress with GetModuleHandleA
  6. load dll using CreateRemoteThread
  7. wait created remote thread using WaitForSingleObject
  8. get modules using EnumProcessModules
  9. get module name using GetModuleBaseNameA
  10. alloc memory using HeapAlloc
  11. get entry_point using ReadProcessMemory
  12. copy SHELLCODE to dll entry_point using WriteProcessMemory
  13. execute SHELLCODE using CreateRemoteThread
  14. close opened handle using CloseHandle


SHELLCODE execute locally.

  1. get NtQueueApcThreadEx function from ntdll using LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress
  2. alloc remote memory using VirtualAlloc
  3. copy SHELLCODE to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy
  4. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtect
  5. get current thread handle using GetCurrentThread
  6. execute SHELLCODE using NtQueueApcThreadEx


SHELLCODE execute remotely.
inject explorer.exe by default.

  1. get RtlCreateUserThread funtion from ntdll using LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress
  2. get pid by process name using crate sysinfo
  3. get handle using OpenProcess
  4. alloc remote memory using VirtualAllocEx
  5. copy SHELLCODE to allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory
  6. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtectEx
  7. execute SHELLCODE using RtlCreateUserThread
  8. close opened handle using CloseHandle