
Somewhere I can easily prototype GLSL shaders

Primary LanguageJavaScript




  1. Adjustable window params
  2. Shader info

Code Design:

  1. Folder Structure
  2. GLSL Support/Parsing (JSON format is disgusting)
  3. CG include files parsed into strings
  4. Find a way to parse shader structure back into Three js shader for post processing compatibility
  5. Parsing to GLSL file (download glsl)


  1. Spheres
  2. Models obj
  3. Camera
  4. Helpers
  5. GUI categorization
  6. Model / Primitives Generalization
  7. Static debugger class for all objects


  1. OrbitControls
  2. Different control modes
  3. Model switching
  4. View switching (shader)

UI Design

  1. Helper params
  2. Shader Params
  3. Need to add support for vector, color and bool params


  1. Hosting at 'shadershell.codrinmihail.com'


  1. Cross-Origin Request Blocked


I've been pretty frustrated with the lack of tools to quickly iterate shaders. Simply put, I don't want to have to write boilerplate code, install endless Dependencies, or setup a custom IDE just to write basic GLSL code and preview it.

ShaderShell solves that by: 1- Providing a simple environment with minimal dependencies out of the package. No boilerplate needed, everything is provided and you just create a ShellShader instance to code your GLSL shader. 2- A way to code material and post postprocessing shaders in a 3D environment. 3- A minimal interface to debug your parameters and quickly interface with your shader. 4- Being a completely front-end compatible solution. No Node js or npm install needed. You just open up the browser and it works!


  • Three.js R120
  • dat.gui