- 1
- 0
- 1
multiple queues
#744 opened by woshiyanghai - 0
SECRET_KEY is required for collectstatic
#743 opened by Jeanbouvatt - 1
Why does this project will not be updated anymore?
#741 opened by wired87 - 1
feat: remove 'master' db settings
#740 opened by fira1026 - 1
Why are failed tasks not being reattempted?
#714 opened by astrike30 - 15
Can someone relinquish django-q and allow the django-q2 community to fold in?
#735 opened by eddyojb88 - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
Test failure with recent requirements
#733 opened by fabaff - 2
How to deploy to
#731 opened by valeriuv - 0
ERROR select_for_update cannot be used outside of a transaction when using a different database than default
#732 opened by joaquimds - 0
redis sharding
#730 opened by aref-rf - 1
Autoreload on Code Change
#729 opened by charliemday - 1
ERROR LIMIT/OFFSET is not supported with select_for_update on this database backend
#698 opened by Sayeed78618 - 2
Is this project actively maintained?
#718 opened by jeffxor - 0
Strage cache error KeyError: 'cached'
#727 opened by pursonc - 0
- 2
Calling `async_task` from an async function
#725 opened by Alain1405 - 0
async_iter() | Iter() does not save jobs to datavase
#724 opened by sokolx1 - 0
redis-py Race Condition due to incomplete fix
#722 opened by abhishek-compro - 1
- 1
How to stop a scheduled task instead of deleting it
#720 opened by 871690991 - 2
Not supported in schedule tasks (q_options)
#721 opened by 871690991 - 0
Django Q fails to create task results with results longer than 4000 characters.
#719 opened by vijayalaxmi-pixel - 2
- 2
Django q with pytest
#716 opened by ashleych - 0
Admin integration is empty when using redis
#715 opened by the-mace - 1
Cannot re-initialize CUDA in forked subprocess
#713 opened by mkzia - 0
Which Queued Tasks are currently running?
#712 opened by tylerautera - 0
Inconsistent Schedule deletion depending if schedule type is Schedule.ONCE or not
#710 opened by alanoe - 0
deleting an ongoing task
#706 opened by CommitSithLord - 3
I run the diango project in Docker and use django_ Q for queue processing. The Server configuration isGPU16G, but after 1.9g is used ,error occurred. How to solve this error?
#704 opened by randompaga - 4
Updated version of Django Q: Django Q2
#701 opened by GDay - 6
- 0
- 0
Error logging is broken inside cluster pusher
#702 opened by wesleyjellis - 2
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- 0
- 0
UUID for primary key gives error
#699 opened by the-mace - 0
- 0
New error reporter
#695 opened by goranvrbaski - 2
AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'task_func' on <module '__mp_main__' from ./
#690 opened by brdacost - 1
Error after background task runs on DjangoQ
#685 opened by sindhujit1 - 0
async_chain not passing correct args
#692 opened by tykkimies - 0
Bimonthly programming
#691 opened by N1K1TAS95 - 0
Timeout value `None` doesn't work
#686 opened by kfisseha