
myPOS SDK Android enabling to integrate Apps with myPOS Card Terminals for Card Payments processing

Primary LanguageJava

myPOS SDK Android

This repository provides a native Android SDK, which enables to integrate your Mobile App with myPOS Card terminals, processed by its platform, to accept card payments (including but not limited to VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay International, JCB, Bancontact). myPOS SDK Android communicates transparently to the card terminal(s) via Bluetooth. To process checkout SDK provides management of the terminal to complete all the steps for transaction processing, return or refund, card storage for recurring transactions, and communicates to the application transaction status, card token, card masked PAN.

No sensitive card data is ever passed through to or stored on the merchant's phone. All data is encrypted by the card terminal, which has been fully certified to the highest industry standards (PCI, EMV I & II, Visa, MasterCard & Amex).


  1. Merchant account on www.myPOS.eu (or received a test account).
  2. Received myPOS terminal
  3. Requested Access Developers myPOS site.
  4. Deployment Target Android 4.0.3 or later.
  5. Android SDK Platform 25 or later.
  6. Android SDK Build-tools version 25.0.0 or later.
  7. Android Device.

Table of Contents


As example of integration, please use the sample app provided in this repository as a reference


In Android Studio open Project Structure and choose to add new Module, then 'Import .JAR/.AAR package' and navigate to your copy of icardpossdk.aar library.

Add the dependency to a module in your build.gradle:

    compile project(':icardpossdk')

Add the following dependencies:

    compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.0.1'
    compile 'com.android.support:design:25.0.1'
    compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:25.0.1'
    compile 'com.android.support:gridlayout-v7:25.0.1'
    compile 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:25.0.1'


Initialize the MyPos components in your app:

public class SampleApplication extends Application {
private POSHandler  mPOSHandler;

public void onCreate() {
 	mPOSHandler = POSHandler.getInstance();

Optional settting for default receipt configuration is avaibale:


If set the default receipt configuration can be removed:


Optional setting for the language of the receipts is avaibale(default is Language.ENGLISH):


isTerminalBusy() returns boolean to check if an operation is being performed at the moment:


Connect to terminal

Choose connection type:


If connection type is set to BLUETOOTH, make sure ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission is given in order to discover available bluetooth devices.

if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M && ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, 
	Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION}, PERMISSION_COARSE_LOCATION);

Attach connection listener

mPOSHandler.setConnectionListener(new ConnectionListener() {
    public void onConnected(final BluetoothDevice device) {
        // handle connected event here

Make payment

Once initialization is completed, you can start using the myPOS SDK Android to accept card payments.

Variant 1. Payment via internal SDK activity: Amount and transaction reference are optional parameters and can be set as null.

        MainActivity.this /*activity*/,
        REQUEST_CODE_MAKE_PAYMENT /*requestCode*/,
        "10.50" /*amount*/,
        UUID.randomUUID().toString()/*transaction reference*/

Variant 2. Payment via direct SDK method: Transaction reference is optional parameter and can be set as null.

	"10.50" /*amount*/, 
	UUID.randomUUID().toString() /*transaction reference*/, 
	POSHandler.RECEIPT_PRINT_AUTOMATICALLY /*receipt configuration*/ );

Handle payment result

Variant 1. Payment via internal SDK activity:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data){
    	if( requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_MAKE_PAYMENT && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        		TransactionData transactionData = data.getParcelableExtra(POSHandler.INTENT_EXTRA_TRANSACTION_DATA);
        		// Handle the response here

Variant 2. Payment via direct SDK method:

mPOSHandler.setPOSInfoListener(new POSInfoListener() {
    public void onPOSInfoReceived(final int command, final int status, final String description) {
        // Handle the response here

    public void onTransactionComplete(final TransactionData transactionData) {
        // Handle the response here

See POS Info statuses for more information


With refund host application could initiate refund transaction to the customers’ card account with the specified amount.

Variant 1. Refund via internal SDK activity: Amount and transaction reference are optional parameters and can be set as null.

        MainActivity.this /*activity*/,
        REQUEST_CODE_MAKE_REFUND /*requestCode*/,
        "10.50" /*amount*/,
        UUID.randomUUID().toString()/*transaction reference*/

Variant 2. Refund via direct SDK method: Transaction reference is optional parameter and can be set as null.

	"10.50" /*amount*/, 
	UUID.randomUUID().toString() /*transaction reference*/, 
	POSHandler.RECEIPT_PRINT_AUTOMATICALLY /*receipt configuration*/ );

Handle refund result

Variant 1. Refund via internal SDK activity:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data){
    	if( requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_MAKE_REFUND && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        		TransactionData transactionData = data.getParcelableExtra(POSHandler.INTENT_EXTRA_TRANSACTION_DATA);
        		// Handle the response here

Variant 2. Refund via direct SDK method:

mPOSHandler.setPOSInfoListener(new POSInfoListener() {
    public void onPOSInfoReceived(final int command, final int status, final String description) {
        // Handle the response here

    public void onTransactionComplete(final TransactionData transactionData) {
        // Handle the response here

See POS Info statuses for more information

Reprint last receipt

With this method host application could request reprint of last transaction slip.


Print random receipt

Check if the connected myPOS device has a printer hardware:


Printing an external receipt is performed by passing a ReceiptData object to the printReceipt() method

ReceiptData receiptData = new ReceiptData();
receiptData.addLogo(1 /*Logo index*/);
	"HEAD" /*text*/, 
	ReceiptData.Align.CENTER, /* Enum align setting (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT) */
	ReceiptData.FontSize.DOUBLE /* Enum font size setting (SINGLE, DOUBLE) */

Terminal management


Before using terminal for a first time the SDK has to initiate Terminal activation, which will setup terminal for processing transaction, setting up Terminal ID, Merchant ID etc.


Update terminal software

Each time terminal processing transaction, processor host checks for existing pending updates, and inform terminal if any. In that case by this method software update is activated, and terminal is going in the update mode.


Deactivate terminal


POS Info statuses

  • POS_STATUS_PENDING_USER_INTERACTION POS terminal received Purchase or Refund operation. Waiting for user to provide card for the operation.

  • POS_STATUS_USER_CANCEL Current operation is terminated due user has cancelled it manually from the POS terminal.

  • POS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR Current operation is terminated due internal error has occured.

  • POS_STATUS_TERMINAL_BUSY Current operation is terminated due POS terminal is busy with another operation.

  • POS_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_SDK_VERSION Current operation is terminated due POS terminal version is not compatiable with myPOS SDK version.

  • POS_STATUS_NO_UPDATE_FOUND Operation Update is terminated due no update is available for the POS terminal.

  • POS_STATUS_MANDATORY_UPDATE Current operation is terminated due mandatory update is necessary. Update operation is performed automatically.

  • POS_STATUS_OPTIONAL_UPDATE No operation is performed after this status. An optional update is available for the POS terminal.

  • POS_STATUS_POS_UPDATING Terminal received an Update operation and started the procedure.

  • POS_STATUS_ACTIVATION_REQUIRED Current operation is terminated due POS terminal is not activated. It is necessary to activate the POS terminal in order to perform operations.

  • POS_STATUS_PROCESSING This status informs that a communication with the Host is performed on operation Purchase, Refund, Activate or Deactivate.

  • POS_STATUS_DEACTIVATION_NOT_COMPLETED Operation Deactivate finished unsuccessfully.

  • POS_STATUS_ACTIVATION_NOT_REQUIRED Operation Activate is terminated due POS terminal is already activated.

  • POS_STATUS_ACTIVATION_NOT_COMPLETED Operation Activate finished unsuccessfully.

  • POS_STATUS_WRONG_ACTIVATION_CODE Operation Activate is terminated due wrong activation code.

  • POS_STATUS_WRONG_DEACTIVATION_CODE Operation Deactivate is terminated due wrong deactivation code.

  • POS_STATUS_WAIT_ACTIVATION_CODE POS terminal received Activate operation and is waiting for user to provide an activation code.

  • POS_STATUS_WAIT_DEACTIVATION_CODE POS terminal received Dectivate operation and is waiting for user to provide an deactivation code.

  • POS_STATUS_UPDATE_NOT_COMPLETED Operation Update finished unsuccessfully.

  • POS_STATUS_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND When performing operation Reprint last receipt. Last transaction is not found and the operation is terminated.

  • POS_STATUS_NO_PRINTER_AVAILABLE Current operation(Print or Reprint last receipt) is terminated due POS device has no printer hardware.

  • POS_STATUS_NO_PAPER Current operation(Print or Reprint last receipt) is terminated due no paper is available in the POS terminal. Current operation(Purchase or Refund) completed successfully, but receipt won't be printed due no paper is available in the POS terminal.

  • POS_STATUS_WRONG_AMOUNT Current operation is terminated due wrong amount is provided to Purchase or Refund operation.

  • POS_STATUS_NO_CARD_FOUND Current operation is terminated due no card is provided.

  • POS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_CARD The provided card is not supported. POS terminal is waiting for supported card.

  • POS_STATUS_CARD_CHIP_ERROR Current operation is terminated due card chip reading failed.

  • POS_STATUS_INVALID_PIN Invalid PIN. POS Terminal is waiting for another PIN.

  • POS_STATUS_MAX_PIN_COUNT_EXCEEDED Current operation is terminated due wrong PINs count has exceeded.

  • POS_STATUS_PIN_CHECK_ONLINE This status informs that PIN validation is performed online. Current operation continue.

  • POS_STATUS_SUCCESS_ACTIVATION Operation Activate finished with success.

  • POS_STATUS_SUCCESS_DEACTIVATION Operation Dectivate finished with success.

  • POS_STATUS_SUCCESS_UPDATE Operation Update finished with success.

  • POS_STATUS_SUCCESS_PURCHASE Operation Purchase finished with success.

  • POS_STATUS_SUCCESS_REFUND Operation Refund finished with success.

  • POS_STATUS_SUCCESS_REPRINT_RECEIPT Operation Reprint last receipt finished with success.

  • POS_STATUS_SUCCESS_PRINT_RECEIPT Operation Print finished with success.

  • POS_STATUS_DOWNLOADING_CERTIFICATES_IN_PROGRESS This status informs that the SDK is downloading certificates from the POS Terminal.

  • POS_STATUS_DOWNLOADING_CERTIFICATES_COMPLETED Certificated downloading is completed successfully.

  • POS_STATUS_INCORRECT_PRINT_DATA Operation Print is terminated due incorrect print data is provided.

  • POS_STATUS_INCORRECT_LOGO_INDEX Operation Print is terminated due incorrect logo index is provided.