
TFT RX2/TX2 Pins ?

eduncan911 opened this issue · 0 comments

Thanks for information. It was reference way back when I originally had our cr6 on Klipper.

Now, I am attempting to directly wire my RPi from its Serial TTY (ttyAMA0) in the GPIO to the TFT port on the BTT SKR-CR6 V1.0 board.

BTT's pinout does NOT list what pin assignments these TX2 and RX2 have for TFT (connector J16):


I've tried make menuconfig for Klipper for the default Serial communications using PA9 / PA10 without success.

Would anyone happen to know what these pin assignments are?

Should I randomly try the other pre-configured pins like PA8/PA9, PA7/PA8, etc? (even though it says PA8 goes to RGB)

I have a PiTFT display that uses the Pi's DSI interface: so, no TFT nor EXP2 ports are used on my board.

Looking at the Marlin firmware for the BTT SKR-CR6, doesn't seem to be a single pin for TFT interfacing for a single pin in the configuration files.